Writing When It’s Difficult to Write

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig20150616_111122

I pride myself on being a productive writer.  I keep to my deadlines, both self-imposed and contractual.  I write each day and meet my goals.

It’s rare I get knocked off track.  But I sure did this week. We had a water main break. Backhoes trenched from the street to our house to replace broken pipes.  We had no water.  Gardenia bushes were dug up (right when they were blooming!) Sewer lines were accidentally dinged with the backhoe (ugh).  To add insult to injury, the break was on our side, not the city’s side, so the repairs were on our dime.

And we had house guests. :)  I felt sorry for them.  Heck, I felt sorry for me. 

Yeah, I haven’t gotten much done…on the progression of the actual manuscript.Continue reading

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