
Information sign with the blog post title "Updates" to the right

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Here’s an update on promo approaches,  platforms, etc.  that I’ve been working with.  Not only does this type of post help me assess what’s working, hopefully you might be able to find something here to experiment with, yourself.

ACX:  This remains an important platform for me (audiobook).  I think I’m just lucky to have gotten an excellent narrator there, Judy Blue.  I was at an event in western North Carolina in late-summer and a lady came up to tell me how much she enjoyed Judy’s voice acting. It really helped me realize how widespread audiobook listening is and how readers rely on it as a way to enjoy books.  I know many authors have seen a drop-off in royalties because of royalty restructuring there.  I have too, but I have so many books on the platform that it’s still a nice source of income for me.

MailChimp: Many more subscribers.  Some is due to participating in group contests, some due to the freebie for signup that I offer.  I’ve also done a better job updating my back matter in older books to mention my newsletter.Continue reading

AmazonCrossing, BookTrack, SELF-e Updates

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigAmazon updates

I’ve been experimenting with or pursuing different avenues for distribution and visibility.  Here are updates on what I’ve been working on with links in case you want to check these things out, yourself.

AmazonCrossing—Amazon is now publishing translated fiction for international readers.  You send them a pitch and they consider your work for translation by their publishing arm.  As I suspected, it’s tough to get in—I got a rejection email last week. But the email also invited authors to keep sending them other work to pitch, so I may give another book a go. Who knows? Maybe they’d be happier with my zombie book.  If you’re interested in checking it out, the link is here: https://translation.amazon.com/submissionsContinue reading

Surprises and Updates

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Last week I opened up a crime novel translated into English from Norwegian and saw the logos in th20141209_175410e picture to the right. It startled me because I’d never seen a sponsorship before (even one like this, which is sort of indirect).  I wasn’t sure what to make of it.  Have y’all seen this type of thing before?  It distracted me, but I don’t know if it distracted me only because I’m a writer and noticed it.  And I wondered…what if writers were being offered corporate underwriting or sponsorship directly?  Would it have an effect on your content?  Is this something we might be hearing more about?Continue reading

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