Releasing Two Books on the Same Day

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

What made me decide to launch two titles on the same day? Besides a touch of insanity?  I thought I might be able to pick up some exposure and sales for the first book in a new series if I released it at the same time as book 14 in an established series (Myrtle Clover).  I was a little leery of releasing an unknown book out of the blue after writing established series for so long (the last time I launched a new series was circa 2012…it’s been a while).

The easiest part was writing two books at once. The hardest was definitely revising two books at once and then releasing them.  My family has never complained about my writing getting in the way of our family time…until I decided on the dual release.  They were not fans! At one point in the process, I was working 12 hour days 7 days a week on revision and setting up pre-orders.

This is apparently an unpopular approach with writers, as well, since I was unable to find any tips online.  :)  There were tips on releasing an entire series at once, but not books in different series.Continue reading

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