Dealing With Writer’s Block

by David Khara, Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00074]

I wish I received a dollar every time someone asked me if I suffered from writer’s block—in France, they call it “the blank page syndrome.” You know, those moments when you want to write, you are ready to write, but you can’t seem to write a single word. Ideas keep coming to mind, but don’t seem to make sense. Or worse, every time you write a sentence down, you immediately erase it because you simply hate it.

Actually, I do no suffer from this syndrome, probably because I started writing novels at a fairly advanced age. Still, when I worked in advertising, I had this problem.

I was 21 at that time, and luckily enough, my boss taught me something that made quite a big difference, something I still believe in today: not writing is already writing.Continue reading

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