Entertainment as Inspiration: TV and Films

Library shelf of DVDs to borrow.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

I’ve written before about being intentional about free time.  By doing a little planning ahead, I feel a lot more relaxed and recharged.  Instead of looking for something good to read or good to watch (and sometimes failing or running out of the precious free time in the process), I’ve carefully built up a list of things I want to read and watch.

That worked so well that I’ve made another discovery in the process.  By being intentional about what I read, watch, and listen to, I’ve been able to broaden what I’m consuming and help inform my writing in the process.

I’ve made a conscious effort to expand what I’m consuming into new genres, international films, translations, and different types of music to write or read to.  In return, I’ve had a real rush of creativity and new ideas (or even new ways to approach older series).

With that being said, I thought I’d run a short series on finding and tracking media.  Today I’m covering what I use for film and television.  Friday, I’ll cover music.  Monday, I’ll cover books.


For many years I told people that I didn’t really watch television.  This was true–because I wasn’t a fan of sitcoms or reality television or whatever else happened to be running on TV at the time.  But curating and watching good shows and films on demand is so much better–you know you’re getting something good (and you can determine later whether it’s to your taste or not).  It also amuses me to call it ‘television.’ I don’t think we even have a true TV in our house anymore…only monitors.

I’ve developed something of a system for discovery. Again, the idea is to pick something that’s well-reviewed, but perhaps not something that I’d ordinarily watch (and definitely not something that I have watched).

Worth mentioning is the fact that we’re basically unplugged from cable at our house (we have a very basic program).  Instead, we watch on demand: using Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, PBS (we’re donors and can use their ‘passport‘), and Sling (yes, this is still cheaper than satellite and cable here, ha!)  You can also find many movies and shows through your local library.  I’m a fan of Ann Cleeves as a reader and when browsing my library’s offerings in her series, I found the television series based on her books.  I could watch the shows free through the library via HooplaContinue reading

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