Resolutions of a Self-Publisher

Digital tablet and Apple Computer on a Desk.

by David Wogahn, @wogahn

Self-publishing is a humbling experience. When I started, I was in fear of my work being ripped off, good friends didn’t review my book, blog readers and subscribers didn’t flock to my website, I was (still am!) frazzled by all the social media and marketing options. On top of that, Amazon takes a huge slice of my sales.

Who among us have not had these thoughts? Heck, I admit to still having them. It’s not productive.

To begin this New Year, I’ve written down 5 resolutions to help me stay on track. At least one is easier than the others—in fact I have little choice. But keeping them all in mind will make for a healthier, and more productive mindset for 2017. I hope they help you too.

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Think: Reciprocity.

How often have I uttered the phrase, “I write blog posts but no one reads them. Why should I bother?”Continue reading

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