Productivity Tips for the Scattered Writer

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigDeathtoStock_Wired1

I think of myself as a pretty productive writer.  But this winter has been the toughest ever for me in terms of being able to finish a project.

I’ve mentioned before that I’m behind on my current book.  And I never like to think of myself as behind…I start each day fresh with no catching up.

However, at this point, it’s time for this particular book to be finished with.  My freelance editor is waiting for it.  My beta reader is waiting for it.  I have been emailed several times about it by readers (I’d been smart this time and said ‘spring 2015’ to keep it vague.  Now they’re emailing to ask exactly what spring means).Continue reading

For Those Who Write Multiple Series

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigIMG_20140105_175505_689

One thing about the holidays is that I’m always around people a lot more than I usually am.  In fact, I really can’t think of a time in the last couple of weeks when I was alone in the house.  I did really well, actually, keeping up with my modest writing goals, but part of me is glad that school is back in session today.

I definitely socialize more during the holidays than I do any other time of the year—and yes, it’s exhausting.  But it’s interesting, too.  I always get a different perspective when I’m talking with people I barely know about my writing.Continue reading

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