Preorders Revisited

A man is reading a book on a bench and the post title, "Preorders Revisited" is superimposed on the top.

Although I wasn’t impressed by my first pre-order experiment, I’ve grown to accept pre-orders as a good way to make sure everything is in perfect order at the retailers on release day.   I made changes in my pre-order strategy by including the pre-order on Amazon and by running the pre-order for a shorter period of time.

In December I ran a pre-order for a completely different reason: I wanted to delay a release until January, after the holiday busyness had settled down for readers.  The book was finished by mid-December, so I decided to try to generate income while I waited for a better launch time.

Of course, I always second-guess myself.  Would January really be better for sales than December?  January is when everyone’s credit card bills come in.  But then I reminded myself that December hasn’t been, for me, a good time to release.  Fewer people are buying for themselves in December and they don’t have as much time to read. And I’d hardly be tempting new readers with the 12th book in a series.Continue reading

Pre-orders: An Update


by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

As I wrote in this post in April 2015 (a post which landed me immediately on a couple of different podcasts to elaborate), I have not been much of a fan of pre-orders.

Why I originally set-up a pre-order

I started a pre-order experiment last October.  At the time, I had every reason to expect that the experiment would be a success.  I’d heard good things about setting up pre-orders on podcasts and from distributors like Mark Coker at Smashwords and Draft2Digital.Continue reading


by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigCruisingforMurder_ebook_Final

I’m not one of the front-runners, ever, on promotion-related things.  I tend to be a lot more cautious.  Or, really, it’s more that I’m super-protective of my time and jealously guard it.  I want to make sure there’s plenty of data that something works before I spend the time figuring it out and pursuing it.

I’ve been hearing for the last year or so about the importance of preordering.  But I didn’t see how it would be something I wanted to pursue. When I was on the trad-published email loops, authors would complain about how preorders killed their chances for the bestseller lists and watered down their release day/week sales.

I also kept reading that preorders on Amazon didn’t make any sense because the visibility we gained on the site was only at the time of the order…not accumulated and toward release day sales.Continue reading

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