A Changing Marketing Mindset

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigAt Conference

My firstborn will be leaving home for college in a couple of weeks and it’s put me in a reflective mood.  This is unusual for me, since I’m ordinarily not even reflective at the end of the year.

My first traditionally-published book was Pretty is as Pretty Dies in 2009.  At the time, Kindle wasn’t even really making a ripple in my consciousness.  I had an author friend of mine at a signing to tell me that he had a Sony ereader and it seemed sort of Star Trekkish to me. I couldn’t imagine wanting to read on one or what the potential benefits might be.

I’d thought the same thing about personal computers when I became introduced to them in the 80s. The contraption looked like an unwieldy typewriter to me and I couldn’t conceive how it could be useful to me.  Then the internet came into play and suddenly computers were life-changing for me in every way…ingraining themselves into my routines and habits.Continue reading

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