A To-Do List for the Overwhelmed Writer

by Elizabeth S.. Craig, @elizabethscraig

If you’re like me, sometimes you have so much going on that it’s hard to know where to start. Your to-do lists look like bucket lists. And you work all day long and don’t feel you’ve really gotten anything accomplished.

When this happens to me, I radically change what my to-do lists look like.  The most important thing is to triage the most important tasks. Plus, feel as if I’m making some progress.

There’s a free app called 135 List, which I’ve found helpful before when life gets challenging.  With the app, you’re forced to prioritize what’s on your list.  So one big thing that you need to get accomplished (and this can be part of a big project…it’s easier to break it into manageable bits), three things of medium importance to complete, and then five smaller items.  I always made the smaller items things that I could do without a whole lot of energy or thinking: scheduling a dentist appointment, wiping down the nose prints my dog left on the glass door, etc.

Sometimes, though, even that is daunting.  Sometimes everything seems like an emergency.

When that happens, I pick one thing that will make me feel as if I’ve really accomplished something that day.  It might be something that I’ve procrastinated for a while that really needs to be knocked out.  It might even just be starting on something that seems large and unmanageable.  The ‘one thing’ could even be making a braindump on an empty document so that I can accurately assess all the things that I need to take care of instead of getting that awful feeling in the middle of the night that there’s something about to fall through the cracks.

Whatever that one thing is, when I mark it as done I feel like I have more energy and confidence to attack the rest of the tasks, or at least put them prioritized on lists for the rest of the week.

Otherwise, I spin  my wheels doing things that don’t really help me feel less-stressed. Author assistant Mel Jolly puts it this way (emphasis hers): “…we get overwhelmed and waste all our time doing low-impact things (like answering emails) that don’t make much of a difference in our big picture.”

Another note: I do try to make my to-do list for the following day so that I’m not trying to both figure out priority tasks and knock them out on the same day.

And…if something comes up in the middle of my day (and it frequently does, usually via email), I add that to my list for the next day to keep from losing focus.

Maybe this is a side note that would be better unpacked in a later blog post, but it also really helps to know your own ‘magic hours’–the time of day when you’re most efficient and have the most energy. (More about magic hours in this Time Magazine article).

How do you push through when life is overwhelming?  Any tips?

To-Do Lists for the Overwhelmed Writer: Click To Tweet

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Keeping Track of A ‘Done List’

Smart phone shows handwritten to do list and the post title, "Keeping Track of a Done List" is superimposed on the top.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig 

Sometimes I go through patches where I feel as though I can barely catch my breath.  I’ll be wrapping up one book, trying to promote another, answering emails, and still trying to keep up with everything at home.

I’m a huge fan of lists and I make at least two lists a day, prioritizing what I need to work on next.  I think I’m a good list-maker: I do take large tasks and break them down into smaller, more manageable bits. I make sure that I don’t put too much on my list for one day.

But somehow, it can seem so overwhelming that I can complete a full day’s work and still feel as though I haven’t really made any inroads.

That’s when I review all the items that I’ve checked off my to-do list.  Since I use a digital list (on Notepad, which comes built-into Windows), instead of deleting tasks off my list, I put an asterisk by them to indicate that I’ve completed them.  Then I can easily see how much I was able to knock out.Continue reading

Tips for Better To-Do Lists

Shows to-do list in the background. List states "to do....everything!" and has a stickman holding his head. The post title, "Tips for Better To-Do Lists' is superimposed on the top.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

I have become something of a to-do list aficionado.  I’ve been religiously using lists since having children.  That’s over 20 years of list making.

I’ve changed the way I’ve handled lists over the years and have adapted other people’s methods into my own process.   I frequently return to an article written by Eric Barker for Time Magazine: “The Morning Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity.”   It makes a lot of sense to me, from the ‘magic hours’  to the ‘starting ritual,’ to the ‘3 things that matter today.’

The low-tech list: For a while I was using an app to help me prioritize (135 List, which is free and works well for anyone trying to get in a habit of prioritizing). Now I’ve made the process even simpler.  I have a Notepad (digital…comes with PCs) text file saved for every day of the week:  Monday To-Do, Tuesday To-Do, etc.  I put the three big things I most want to accomplish at the top. Then I put the things that could be shifted to another day’s list at the bottom.  If errands are on my list, I copy-paste the list to my online calendar.  At the end of the day, whatever didn’t get accomplished is portioned out to the following day (or other days, if the next day is too busy).

Reevaluate the list in the afternoon: I realized 4 years ago that one list per day wasn’t really going to cut it for me anymore.  I needed to reevaluate in the early afternoon because some things became less-important and some things became more pressing.  This way, I’m still being thoughtful about my list and my tasks and not simply reacting to things that pop up. But I’m also incorporating things that pop up (sometimes they are important and need immediate attention).

Set timers to avoid a time-suck…or procrastination:   I use timers a lot: both for writing and promo.  I just type ‘set timer for 7 minutes’ into Google and let my computer keep track.  Timers work well for me for two reasons: one, it helps me avoid procrastination. If I know I need to update my website, seeing that I’ve allotted ten minutes for the task makes it a lot less-daunting.  Another reason timers work well for me is that they help keep me on task and focused.

Don’t  turn your list into a braindump:  There is definitely a place for an all-inclusive list…a braindump of a list that includes writing, promo, blogging, the dog’s vet checkup, Christmas shopping, etc.  But my advice is to have that master list separate from your to-do list.  The whole idea is to make the daily list manageable and approachable.   Then work in tasks from the master list to the daily list (breaking them down into bite-sized bits, if needed).

Are you a list person?  How do you set up your lists?

Tips for a better to-do list: Click To Tweet

Photo credit: john.schultz via Visualhunt / CC BY-SA

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