How to Survive Rejection

by John Kerr@themaltesetiger 

Can we talk about F. Scott Fitzgerald? Author of The Great Gatsby, that American classic we all read in high school. Without a doubt, one of the most acclaimed American writers in history. But, did you know that his follow-up novel, Tender is the Night, was panned by critics?

The book was so ridiculed that Fitzgerald was driven out of the literary world. He fled to Los Angeles looking for success as a screenwriter but found none. Once thought of as a rising star, Fitzgerald was considered a has-been by the end of his career. He died believing he was a failure.

But he was wrong, and today we celebrate him as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century. Which brings me to my point-

Rejection happens to all of us.

Add it to the column under Death and Taxes. You can’t let it cripple you, though. You must learn from it, and move on. But, how do you move on from something that can feel so personal and cut so deep?

Well, that’s what I’m going to talk about. So, here are a few tips on…Continue reading

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