Creating Bestsellers

Creating Bestsellers is a blog post by Elizabeth Spann Craig

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Family and friends will sometimes lightly tell me they’re sure that I’m going to pen a bestseller. I respond, just as lightly, that I don’t write those types of books.  I’m writing genre fiction to appeal specifically  to readers of my subgenre. Any bestseller status is in the confines of that subgenre.

Bestsellers, obviously, appeal to a broader audience. I’m not sure if I’ll ever even try to write something meant to be that  commercially successful.  But that’s not to say I’m not interested in hearing how to get there.

I received a free copy of The Bestseller Code  as a thank you from St. Martin’s publicist for promoting a contest on Twitter.

At the time, the buzz over the book hadn’t yet revved up as it has now.  There have been discussions sparked (and perhaps a bit of controversy) over the algorithms the authors Jodie Archer and Matthew L. Jockers ran to find common threads in today’s blockbusters, regardless of genre.Continue reading

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