Why Free is Still a Smart Marketing Strategy for Fiction Writers


by Jason Kong, @storyrally

If you’re wondering whether not charging for selected stories is benefiting your promotional campaign, you’re not alone.

With all the free writing flooding the internet, it’s harder to stand out. Even if someone downloads your free eBook, your fiction is competing with all the other stories on that person’s digital reader.

Given the ubiquity of free, it’s reasonable to question whether the market is saturated, thus reducing the effectiveness. I, on the other hand, believe free still works.

Let’s take a closer look on why that is.Continue reading

The Neil Gaiman Guide to Social Media

by Jason Kong, @storyrallygaiman-tweet (1)

Imagine millions of people tuning in to hear what you have to say.

Not because they have to, but because they want to. They’re ready to support your next project and spread your latest news. And you can reach them all with just a few keystrokes and a click.

This isn’t a fantasy. It’s Neil Gaiman’s reality.

Gaiman lives in social media nirvana. He has attention for what he does and admirers for how he does it. When someone is compelled to highlight his past tweets because he’s taking a social media sabbatical, you know he’s doing something right.

So is he an outlier? Or are there lessons from his success that can be applied to your own situation?

Let’s take a closer look.Continue reading

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