Writers–It Doesn’t Pay to be Shy

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigDSCF7346

Not all writers are introverts, of course.  I’m one of the more introverted ones.  My introversion can veer into shyness around readers…I’m not a shy person otherwise.  

There are definitely things I’m more comfortable doing than others.  I hate readings and signings.  But I don’t mind signing stock in bookstores or (now), telling people that I’m a writer. And there are things I don’t enjoy doing that I now just suck up and do.

Even introverted writers should consider:

Wattpad.  This online publishing platform is a good way to get our work in front of a younger/different audience. Yes, we’ll need to interact with readers there.

Newsletters.  It took me years to get to the point where I’d “bother” a reader with a newsletter. I’ve only been sending them for a little over a year.  Even though readers signed up completely voluntarily to be on my newsletter list.  Each time I send them, my numbers on Amazon get better.Continue reading

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