Listing Your Books With Google Play

A laptop faces the viewer with the words 'Listing Your Books With Google Play" superimposed on the dark background.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Although I was late to sell my books on Google Play, I’ve discovered that my books have sold well there.

I was a something of a skeptic about the chances of my success on Google Play or, really, any non-Amazon retailer.  My Nook sales (as, I think, everyone else’s) have been decreasing for years and I was never able to get much traction at Apple.

I’d also heard writers complain about problems with Google Play in the past. I’ve heard they deeply discount our books (without our approval) and then Amazon price-matches them. I’d also heard that they could be slow to pay.

Regardless, I decided to give it a go since I was also hearing positive things from other writers about their income through Google Play.Continue reading

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