Google Calendar to Simplify Life and Set Goals

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigproduction plan

I’ve become something of a Google calendar fanatic.  I’ve completely outsourced my memory to it and have it open much of the day on my laptop and phone.

I used to love having a printed calendar, but disliked having to carry it with me for those frequent times that I needed to check it when I was away from the house.  Printed calendars meant that I usually still had to keep the bits of paper clutter associated with the calendar entry (the slip that listed all the food allergies on the soccer team when I’m in charge of snacks, etc.)

With Google calendar, I either copy-paste the detailed information for the appointment or task and add it to the “notes” section of the entry, or I transcribe the details/contact info on the paper. Then I toss the piece of paper away.  Having all of the information in one place saves me a lot of time and throwing away paper helps keep my house from getting cluttered.Continue reading

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