Goodreads Author Q&A

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigblog3

I ran across something a few days ago that I thought I’d share here—although I’m probably the last person on the block to find out about this.  It’s the Goodreads Author Q&A.

I’m trying to do better about visiting Goodreads. The truth is that Goodreads can be a scary environment for writers. Reviews are especially harsh there and there have been incidents involving author bullying in the past. To be fair, there have also been authors who have behaved poorly on the site.

When I’m on a site like Goodreads, I make it a point to keep a low profile.  Otherwise, it’s almost like author intrusion when authors butt into reader conversations.

That being said…when I was recently asked how I’ve been able to garner reviews right out of the gate…it’s been those Goodreads giveaways.  And the site is popular with avid readers.Continue reading

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