Goals: On Setting the Bar Low

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigSONY DSC

I mentioned a couple of months ago that I’d been going to physical therapy since July for a back issue I’d been having (from sitting.  Don’t believe that writing isn’t dangerous).

I’ve been an extremely good patient, if I do say so myself.  I’ve done my daily stretches and other exercises. I attended all of my PT appointments.

The only time I balked was early last month when my physical therapist asked me to start going to the gym to use the weight machines.  As soon as Carol finished her sentence, I was ready with excuses. I have no time.  I’m on a deadline. I don’t enjoy being around large groups of people.  I don’t enjoy exercising.  I don’t understand the exercise machines.  I’m a clumsy person.  I don’t have an appropriate workout wardrobe. Continue reading

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