Switching Things Up When Life Changes

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about the writing life over the years, is that I have my best results in terms of productivity if I can be flexible.

Flexibility with when and where I write makes a tremendous difference.  And it’s been something I had to accept right off the bat because I was writing with a toddler in the house circa 2003.

The funny thing is that I’m ordinarily one of the least-flexible people I know.  When plans change in the morning, I’m flustered. I have to carefully think through all the ways that the change of plans impacts all the other moving parts of that particular day.  Frequently, it’s like a domino effect.

But with writing, I’ve come to accept that change happens. It happened when my younger child went off to elementary school.  It happened when my two children (very quickly) weren’t in the same school anymore and I was driving two carpools. It happened when they started to drive themselves. And lately, it happened with an empty nest, child-wise…and a fuller nest now that my husband has a new job where he’s based from home, too.

Here are my tips for trying to work through changes in a household experiencing a lot of transitions: Continue reading

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