Goodreads Widget For Facebook

Someone is reading in a chair with a cup of coffee and a phone on a table beside them.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Last Monday I talked a little bit about Goodreads widgets on our website can help us offer some social proof to readers and maybe help drum up interest in our books.  Today, I thought I’d cover another of the Goodreads widgets, this one for our Facebook page.

Adding a tab to our Facebook page is pretty straightforward. I chose to add an author tab, since I have a lot of books, but you could also choose to add a book tab if you’d rather.  You can also add a group tab (instructions for that at the bottom of this page).

Here are the directions, straight from the Goodreads Help page: Continue reading

Blogging and Facebook Tips and Other Updates

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig20150826_192136

Sometimes I spend so much time thinking about really big ideas that I forget about some of the small things we can do to either gently promote ourselves/get our names out there, or just make life easier online.  Here are a few of those things…and a sort of interesting note at the end of the post on something Wattpad is doing.

Gravitars.  Gravitars, Globally Recognized Avatars, are basically avatars that are used to identify us online (primarily blogs and web forums).  I was having coffee with my author friend Lauren de Lanier and she mentioned that she would likely spend more time commenting on blogs if she had a more personal way of appearing on sites, particularly WordPress sites.  This is one of those things that we can quickly take care of through
(you’ll have to sign up for WordPress in the process, but you’re not setting up a blog, only a profile).  This WikiHow will lead you through the process if you’re not sure how to do it.Continue reading

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