Asking for and Delivering Endorsements

An open book against an orange background.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

The word ‘blurb,’ which is what publishers used to mean ‘endorsement’ has gradually changed in meaning to ‘book description,’ so I’ll use ‘endorsement’ to be clearer.  Regardless what you call it, endorsements have been a source of chagrin for authors for ages.  It’s tough asking for them and it can be tough to deliver them.  But the general feeling is that they’re good for visibility.  Do they help?  Who knows? They definitely don’t seem to hurt.

I’ve written endorsements for a long while.  I learned not to feel awkward about them when a  bestseller in my genre told me in an email that she felt terribly inept blurbing and that she never really knew what to say. That’s when I knew that everyone has that feeling.Continue reading

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