Adapting Writing Routines

Bird leaving the empty nest.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig 

It’s kind of interesting when you’ve been blogging as long as I have. Recently, I looked back over some of the posts from 2009 and 2010.  My writing routine was very different back then and definitely something that was a work in progress. My guest post on Kaye Barley’s Meanderings and Muses blog explains how best to entertain children and get writing done (hint: bring their friends along).

In fact, many of my posts involved writing on the go.  I learned to be very flexible with when and where I wrote…the whole point was to meet my goals however I could manage it.

It was, honestly, a crazy time.  I was under contract for a couple of different series to Penguin and working on a 3rd for myself.  My day, however, was very structured around my children’s activities and school days.  I fit my writing around my children and it worked out really well.Continue reading

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