Tax Time Revelations and…Is Writing is the Career We Can’t Retire From?

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigfile2081241837401

I had my appointment with my CPA on Wednesday.  The appointment was in the middle of the Southern snowstorm aftermath, actually—there’s nothing like adding to the misery of taxes with a minor natural disaster, you know.  I hired a CPA last year when I continued waking up in cold sweats in the middle of the night, worrying that I was doing my taxes wrong.  I didn’t think I’d fit in well in tax jail.  I decided I didn’t mind paying for peace of mind.

She had me painstakingly pick through my bank account and pull out every deposit from all sources…self-publishing and traditional publishing…for 2013.  This was nightmarish and took the better part of an hour.  But I didn’t have the 1099 from Amazon yet and she wanted to double-check all my income sources anyway, so I combed through the statements.  The entries I was looking for were direct deposits and checks from Penguin (via my agent), Llewellyn (my agent doesn’t represent me with this publisher), Amazon, ACX, Smashwords, Apple, CreateSpace, and Barnes & Noble.Continue reading

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