Why You Need a Tagline to Improve Your Author Platform

by Colleen M. Story@colleen_m_story ‏ 

When your readers come to your website, how long does it take them to figure out what kind of writing you do?

If it takes more than a few seconds, you may be losing readers, subscribers, and others who could be interested in your work.

According to research and consulting firm Nielsen Norman Group, users often leave web pages in 10-20 seconds. To gain user attention, you have to clearly communicate your value within 10 seconds.

That may seem a bit drastic, but if you think about it, you’ll find it rings true. Just take a few minutes to browse the Internet and discover how patient you are. You may be surprised at how quickly you move on if a site doesn’t hold your interest.

Fortunately, you can take full advantage of those 10 precious seconds with your potential readers by including one important thing on your website: a tagline.

Here’s why this can be so helpful to you and your readers.Continue reading

How to Slow Time for More Relaxed, Creative Writing Sessions

A hand, holding a pen in its fist, rises out of a pile of paper.

by Colleen M. Story, @Colleen_M_Story

“Oh, I want to write today, but I just don’t have the time!”

You’ve probably felt this way more than once. In fact, if you’re like many of us in today’s world, you’re feeling frequently pressed for time, and like you just can’t find enough of it—especially for writing.

The bad news is that when you’re constantly under the gun, creativity suffers. In a 2002 study, researchers analyzed more than 9,000 daily diary entries from people who were working on projects that required high levels of creativity. They found that stress, in the form of time pressure, resulted in less creative projects.

“When creativity is under the gun,” the authors wrote, “it usually ends up getting killed.”

The good news is that you don’t have to feel this way. Here are five tips that can help you slow your perception of time so that when you do get a moment to write, you can approach it with a calm, relaxed state of mind.Continue reading

3 Reasons Your Writing Routine Will Land You On the Floor

by Colleen M. Story@colleen_m_storydownload (3)

I was working too many hours a day. I knew it, but I had deadlines to meet. As a full-time freelance writer, it’s not like I could tell my clients I was getting too tired.

I kept going. Thirty-something years old, I wasn’t even thinking about my body. Sure, my back was a little sore when I finally shut the computer down for the night, but no pain, no gain, right?

I operated like this for months. Long hours. I still exercised—jogged several times a week and did about 30 minutes of yoga every night. I met my deadlines. But one weekend, while cleaning house, I leaned down to pick something up and lightning hit my spine.Continue reading

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