Checklist for a New Release


by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Releases are always a lot more work than I think they are.  That’s because of all the little things I have to do to prepare.  It’s a lot.  It would be more if I did a lot of promo work (blog tours, ads, etc.)  for the release, but I usually just like to start working on the next book.

I thought I’d share a checklist of the types of tasks I do when a book is ready to release. Some of the things I can do while my editor has the book and I’m waiting to make corrections.  Some of the things must be done when the book is ready to publish.


Set up my newsletter to announce the new release when it’s time.  I use MailChimp.

Write a personal author’s note for the back-matter section of the book and for that section on the Amazon product page that we access through Author Central  (From the Author).Continue reading

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