Creative Challenges Within a Single Genre

Creative Challenges Within a Single Genre

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Whenever I talk to anyone about my writing, the question usually comes up:  would I like to try writing anything other than mystery?

Then I explain that I actually have written something other than mystery.  But it was a one-off, a ‘cozy zombie’ book (yes, I did make that genre up).  But that was what’s called an ‘attack book.’  The story had been bothering me for years to write it, and finally I did to get the story to shut up.

What people seem most surprised about is that I don’t get bored writing my genre.  That I’m not tired of writing the same types of stories.

I’ve always said that I found it a special creative challenge to work within the confines of genre and series.

In lots of ways, it’s much easier to write in a series.  For one thing, it’s a good deal faster.  You’ve already got your main/recurring characters.  The setting will likely be the same.  You put these characters into new situations in the same setting and have them respond.Continue reading

Pros and Cons of Changing Genres

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Pros and Cons of Changing Genres by mystery author Elizabeth Spann Craig

About a year ago, I wrote and released a book in a completely different genre than I’ve ever written before. The dystopian novel was something I called ‘cozy zombie’–zombie lit without the gore.  The book was what’s known as an ‘attack novel.’  The concept had bugged me for years and I finally broke down and wrote the book.

A year later, I’ve found that the experience of changing genres had its pros and cons. Continue reading

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