by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig
Book signings come in different shapes and sizes. Signing books after a conference panel is one thing. Signing them in a bookstore is something else. Signing them after a luncheon or book club meeting is again a different animal entirely.
Unless you have a large local network, signings in bookstores can be tricky. I’ve found that signings at conferences are mediocre, too. The times I’ve done best were signings right after book clubs or book-related luncheons/events.
Here are my tips for a better book signing:
Make sure there will be books there. While this sounds like a no-brainer, you’d be amazed how much miscommunication can happen between bookstores/conference organizers and the writer. Who is responsible for making sure books are there? If it’s the bookstore, you might want to remind them again in enough time to ensure the books are ordered and at the store.Continue reading