The Basic Author Platform

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

The Basic Author Platform

I’ve made a lot of marketing and social media mistakes, especially when I was just starting out.

And since the author who inspired this post is just starting out…I’m not going to reveal his identity.  I did love his debut novel–there were parts that made me laugh out loud, which is unusual for me, as a reader.

I decided I’d give him a little publicity, if I could.  He was already getting great reviews on Amazon, so I thought I’d find him online, find a worthy blog post, and send out a tweet or two.

You probably know where this is going.

So…I started out at Amazon, which has (somewhat sadly) become a hub of author info.  And…yep, his author page wasn’t filled out.  So he wasn’t on Amazon Author Central.  The publisher (his is a trad-published book) did a good job with everything else on the book page, but he wasn’t there.Continue reading

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