Cleaning Up Our Amazon Book Page

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigAuthor Central 1

I mentioned in an earlier post that I’m taking author Mark Dawson’s Facebook ad course.  It’s been incredibly helpful for a variety of different reasons. I’ve no affiliation with Mark—I’m just trying to figure out what the heck I’m doing on Facebook…a platform I dislike, but would like to be able to use to my advantage.  The course is closed for registration now (he’s trying to keep it manageable so that he can directly assist enrolled students), but he does have a free mini course which I also took and found useful.

One of the things the course has done is force me do certain spring cleaning tasks that I should have been doing all along.  Mark explains the concept of landing pages, for one.  If we’re running an ad to increase subscriptions to our mailing list, the landing page would be a very basic page on our website that only allows the option of either closing the window or subscribing to the newsletter. An incentive for signing up, like a free book, would be included in the deal.

The landing page when running a Facebook ad for sales generation is our book’s sales page on Amazon.  Mark recommended making sure that this page was in very good shape.  The ad that I’m getting ready to run will promote a box set of mine (this is another recommendation from Mark.)  So I had to look at the sales page as if I’d never seen it before and make sure it was ready for potential readers. Continue reading

Keywords for Visibility

By Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraigcapture 1

There’s an adage that states potential customers must see a marketing message seven times before deciding to purchase a product.

I’m someone who has to hear about a promo technique seven times before finally deciding to experiment with it.

Except in the case of Amazon keywords. I’ve read likely a couple of dozen blog posts on Amazon keywords.  Only now have I finally scraped up enough time to work on it.

Amazon, of course,  is a search engine.  There’s metadata involved, there’s SEO involved. We need to make our books visible to potential readers.Continue reading

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