Journaling a Book as a Reader ‘Extra’

Photo of a woman's hands on a notebook....her right hand clasps a pen. The post title, "Journaling a Book as an Extra" is superimposed on the top.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

I’d been hearing that author notes could be a nice website ‘extra’ for readers or newsletter subscribers, or serve as promo copy on the product page for Amazon.

I’d experimented a little  in my newsletters and on Amazon, but decided to take things a little farther this time.  I decided to try journaling a book while I wrote it.  I posted the journal on Google Docs, shared it so that anyone with the link could view it, and mentioned the journal on my website.

At first, I was a little worried.  Writers’ lives aren’t the most interesting and was the writing process really going to draw readers in?  Especially mine?  I’m very routine-driven.  Writing at 5 a.m. isn’t maybe the most fascinating thing in the world.

But then I became a little more observant about what was going on around me while I was writing.  How was I managing distractions? How focused was I on the story? When and where was I getting my ideas?  And I found that there were stories around the story.

I don’t give any major spoilers, just hint at some of what’s going on in the story that I’m writing.  That can naturally lead into the genesis of the characters and how I feel about them.  Who or what helped to inspire their creation.  The origination of the supposedly fictional settings (that have a lot in common with real locations).

We can add images from the web, personal photos, links, and other things to make the journal more visually interesting.

I decided to pin the link to my journal at the top of my Facebook page.  From there, it generated a lot of interest and readers reached.  My post read: “What goes through a writer’s mind while working on a book? It can be surprising.  Follow along as I write the next Myrtle Clover mystery,  A Body in the Trunk.”

It’s also nice to post it on Facebook because readers can comment there.  I disabled comments for the document on Google Docs, because I had the feeling it would turn into a real mess….comments are really intended for edits between project partners and are inline there.  I’d say that the lack of ability to host comments is the only real problem I see with putting the journal on Google Docs. You could, of course, set up a similar journaling project on your blog—each entry could engender comments.

Do you use author notes?  Journal books?  What ‘extras’ do you include for readers?

Photo via Visual hunt

Journaling a book as a reader extra: Click To Tweet

Quick Tip for High Resolution Book Cover Images

A bike is shown propped against a bookcase of books and knickknacks. The post title, "Quick Tip for High Res Book Cover Images" is superimposed on the photo.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig 

From time to time I need a high resolution cover image.  Sometimes it’s because a guest blogger has sent me an image so small that WordPress is showing it blurry on the post.  Sometimes I’m sending a cover for publication in a print magazine or newspaper.

I came across a tool for high resolution cover images from eReader Palace last year.  I bookmarked it because I thought it might come in useful.  But I’ve found myself using it so much that I decided it was time for me to mention the tool here.

It’s very easy to use.  You pull up the ebook on Amazon (and it must be an ebook because the ASIN is needed).

Copy Amazon’s ASIN identifier.

Paste it into the box on the website

Click “Get the Cover Image.” I always use portal A and have never had a problem with it.


The image will open in another tab. Right click and save the file to your computer.  I’ll usually save them as :  Title–High Res–Elizabeth Spann Craig .

That’s it.  :)  Short and sweet today.  Hope this will be a useful tool for some of you out there.

Have you run across any helpful tools lately?

Quick tip for high res cover images: Click To Tweet

Photo via Visual hunt

Book Promo Services

Large 'Sale" sign in the background and an older woman walking past it on the street. Post title, "Book Promo Services" is superimposed on the photo.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

I’m always on the lookout for ways to connect to readers and find new readers without being obnoxious.   I’m not one to really promote on Facebook and never promote on Twitter.

One way of finding and connecting with new readers seems pretty obvious to me: ebook promotion services.  The best-known of these is BookBub.  These aren’t retailers, these are services that let subscribed readers know about free or discounted books.
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3 Ways to Sell More Books on Amazon

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Author Michael Alvear, who has been a guest on my blog, recently sent me the results of an interesting study he’d conducted.

I’m always interested in ways to move more books on Amazon–which is the retailer I have the most success with.

The cool thing about this infographic is that Alvear’s study shows where Amazon customers focus on a book product page.  This gives writers insights to reader behavior.

An infographic from Michael Alvear shows where readers focus on an Amazon book page.


The first insight is that readers do focus on the ‘sponsored products related to this item’ section.  Alvear points out that it makes sense to capitalize on this by placing ads on a competitor’s page.Continue reading

Tips for Podcast Guests

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

Podcasts have become very popular as both a promotional tool and an informational/networking tool for writers.

I know I don’t have the time to host podcasts, but I usually have the time to appear as a guest.  On average, I’ve been a guest on 2-3 podcasts each year (some of them audio-only, some of them with video).  I’m being interviewed this afternoon, too.  That’s because hosts need guests!  :)

Over the years, I’ve put more thought into my appearances (which are sometimes on video and sometimes audio only).  Here are some of my tips for being a better guest: Continue reading

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