Keeping Track of A ‘Done List’

Smart phone shows handwritten to do list and the post title, "Keeping Track of a Done List" is superimposed on the top.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig 

Sometimes I go through patches where I feel as though I can barely catch my breath.  I’ll be wrapping up one book, trying to promote another, answering emails, and still trying to keep up with everything at home.

I’m a huge fan of lists and I make at least two lists a day, prioritizing what I need to work on next.  I think I’m a good list-maker: I do take large tasks and break them down into smaller, more manageable bits. I make sure that I don’t put too much on my list for one day.

But somehow, it can seem so overwhelming that I can complete a full day’s work and still feel as though I haven’t really made any inroads.

That’s when I review all the items that I’ve checked off my to-do list.  Since I use a digital list (on Notepad, which comes built-into Windows), instead of deleting tasks off my list, I put an asterisk by them to indicate that I’ve completed them.  Then I can easily see how much I was able to knock out.Continue reading

The Right Way to Make Excuses

Two friends jogging on a wooden bridge are in the background while the post title, "The Right Way to Make Excuses" is superimposed on the top.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

I think it’s really helpful to know your most productive time of the day.   That way, you can arrange your calendar (if you have that luxury) to knock out the most important things while you have the energy and the willpower.

For me, it’s very early in the morning.  A normal day for me is to get up, peek at emails on my phone while getting ready (I won’t allow myself to respond, though…no one’s really up at 5:00 anyway), go downstairs, let the dog out, and start writing.  After I meet my goal, I usually schedule social media.  Then my daughter is up for the day.

When my daughter leaves for high school at around 6:45, that’s when I also hop in the car, heading for the gym. This works out really well for me.

But my daughter was sick one day recently and I started making excuses not to go to the gym at my usual time.  She was parked behind me.  It was especially cold…perhaps it would be better to go to the gym when the sun had actually come up and it was warmer.

Then I started making excuses not to stay home.  The gym would be busy later on and I had a conflict that would keep me from going in the afternoon.  I didn’t want to have to wait for a treadmill or struggle to find a parking place.  It was then or never.

I’d basically talked myself into going.  I never enjoy going to the gym, but I feel good after being there.

Every once in a while something will happen that will disrupt my morning writing routine, too.  Writing is practically muscle memory at 5 a.m, but if I’m knocked off-track, it’s harder to drag myself back.

What helps the most is to make excuses not to check social media (or whatever else is to distract my attention away from writing).  That’s actually pretty easy to do:  I never feel better about life after checking Facebook. Or I know that I’m going to regret losing that 30 minutes on Twitter later instead of tackling all the tasks that are looming over me.

This is a very simple approach, but it works because I’m a pretty simple person.

For other posts on fitting writing into your day, check out: 

How to Write When You Don’t Have Time by September C. Fawkes  (a medley of ideas, including working smarter instead of harder)

Three Steps to Begin Tiny Habits to Help You Reach Your Goals by Lorna Faith (if it’s your fears that are holding you back)

Five Morning Habits to Add to Your Writing Routine by Emily Morgan (if you want to start writing in the mornings or if you want your morning writing habit to be more consistent)

Six Simple Tips to Create Daily Writing Habits by Pamela Hodges (an article that focuses especially on the fact that small goals can help us be more productive…a philosophy that I ascribe to)

How do you make sure that you knock out your writing?  Do you ever have to talk yourself into writing?

Making Excuses to Write: Click To Tweet

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The Benefit of Small Goals

A winding highway leads off into a sunset with a lone runner on the road and the post title superimposed: "The Benefit of Small Goals"

by Elizabeth Spann Craig, @elizabethscraig 

I read an interesting article recently, “What Setting Small Goals is Costing You,”  from author and publisher Michael Hyatt.  I think it interested me because it had such a radically-different point of view from mine. But it was onethat gave me food for thought.

In it, he said:

“Setting small, unchallenging goals is one of the five blunders I cover. I call it “sailing too close to shore.” We tend to set small goals because we’re unaware of our own inherent fear of loss. We don’t want to risk much. But there’s a direct correlation between low risk and low achievement. The greatest achievements are waiting on the other side of discomfort.”

He gave a couple of pretty compelling examples to support his position.

I could see where he was coming from.  But for me, it’s totally the opposite.

For me, slow and steady wins the race.  I’ve had 25 books published, but this has been over nine years.  I set small goals that I can easily achieve. These small goals have made it possible for me to build a daily habit of writing and have helped to keep me motivated over the long-haul.

When I was first starting out and seriously writing, I purposefully set my writing goal as low as I could.  I had a toddler in the house and a kindergartener. I set a goal of writing for 5-15 minutes a day.  In less than a year, I had a book.

Knowing that I could accomplish my goals under challenging circumstances gave me confidence in my ability to push through, just like finishing a project (as opposed to stalling out or starting a completely different manuscript) gave me confidence in following through and trusting my ability to deliver.

But back to Michael Hyatt’s point of view. He does make some good points. For me, though, I think I’ll incorporate them differently.  It is important to stretch oneself.  But I’d rather that be a weekly extra goal instead of a daily challenging goal.  Since I nearly always hit my daily goal, maybe that is an indication that I need to re-evaluate how much I’m expecting of myself.

But let’s face it.  Some days just stink from start to finish.  The kids are sick, the dog needs to go to the vet, you thought there was chicken in the freezer, but there wasn’t.  I think on days like those, it’s best to still hit our usual goal, maintain our habit, and not feel disappointed in our performance.

What kinds of goals do you set?  Do you stretch yourself or set small, attainable goals?

The benefits of small, attainable goals: Click To Tweet

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Rep Days for Writers

A weight room shows weights resting on racks and the post title, "Rep Days for Writers" is superimposed on the top.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

I read an interesting article by writer Victoria Griffin called “Writing Gains are Made on Rep Days.

Griffin explains rep days for weightlifters:

“For lifters, rep days mean loading light weights on the bar and repping it out until you’re entirely sick of whatever exercise you’re doing…For example, hip contact is important to a good snatch. I’ll spend days doing nothing but hip contact drills until I’m black and blue. It’s not fun, and it’s not glamorous. But guess what? Next time I do snatches, my form is better and I lift heavier weight.”

She then makes the writing analogy:

“For writerly folk, rep days may be big word count days. Or they may be those days when we just don’t want to do it. For whatever reason, we don’t feel like writing, but we sit down and do it anyway. Writing on those days strengthens our writing “muscles” so that on the days we do feel like writing, when the words are flowing, we’re able to write more and better than we would have otherwise.”

I liked what Griffin was saying.  I agree with her that there is a sort of ‘writing muscle’ that atrophies when we don’t work it out enough.  It’s always harder to jump back into a story after taking a long break…the characters aren’t as familiar to us, we have to get reacquainted with the story world, and it’s easier to make continuity errors.

I’ll take it a step farther and say that it gives a tremendous boost to our overall confidence as writers to write on those days when we have to push ourselves through it.  I know that most days out of the week, I’m not feeling inspired as I sit down to write.  As I go, I get more into my story and into the flow of writing.  I show up.  I’m not one of those who says writers have to write every single day, but it sure helps if you can write for most of them.

Writer Teresa Frohock put this well in her post “Writing When You’re Uninspired“:

“By forcing myself to write, even when I don’t feel like it, I build on the self-discipline that I will need to get me through those deadlines when I must write.” 

If we know we can tackle our project on the toughest days, it can give us the motivation to power through most days.  Also, having a string of successful days of working in a row can help us to build confidence in our ability to keep making progress on a story. Writer Karen Woodward’s post, “How to Write Everyday: Jerry Seinfeld and the Chain Method,” explains how we can gain motivation by marking off writing days on our calendar.

While I don’t feel like it’s necessary to write every day (I’ll miss a day several days out of the month, if not more), I do feel it can help to write most days–and that there’s a special benefit to pushing forward with our writing on some of the more challenging days, if possible.

What if you have gone a while without writing, but you want to pick it up again?  Read this helpful article by Daphne Gray-Grant, “How to Get Back Into Writing After a Break.”

Do you write on the tough days?  What keeps you motivated, as a writer?

'Rep Days' for Writers: Click To Tweet

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Single-Tasking for Productivity

Stressed woman puts both hands to her head as the post title "Single-Tasking for Productivity" is superimposed on the top.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

I used to think that I was a fairly adept multitasker, as long as one of the tasks was something completely mindless (I could stir things in a pot and make a list at the same time.  I could vacuum and brainstorm).  But after instances  where I’ve spattered supper on the stove and vacuumed up things that weren’t supposed to be vacuumed, I’ve come to the realization that I really shouldn’t multitask at all.

I’ve made an effort to dial it back and become more effective at focusing on a single task.

Is it really multitasking?

In the article “Brain, Interrupted” by New York Time columnists Bob Sullivan and Hugh Thompson, they stated:

In fact, multitasking is a misnomer. In most situations, the person juggling e-mail, text messaging, Facebook and a meeting is really doing something called “rapid toggling between tasks,” and is engaged in constant context switching.

The danger in this, as stated in the article, is that we may never really return to the main task we needed to work on.  The other tasks act as distractions … or maybe, more accurately, deterrents…to our productivity.Continue reading

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