Guest Post Guidelines
I'm looking for original writing-related posts--these could be on anything from specific elements of the writing craft (character development, POV tips, plot pacing, writing a terrific antagonist) to a post covering your personal writing process, how you organize a manuscript, how you fit writing into your day, or tips for promoting a book.
My favorite posts are the ones that are easily skimmed on a topic that most writers will relate to. Short paragraphs, the inclusion of either bullet points or subheads, and clear post structure help posts go viral.
The target audience is composed of writers who want to improve their writing skills or learn more about promoting or publishing their completed book. I prefer posts with actionable tips for others to follow, either dealing with the writing craft or with marketing.
Please query me via email (elizabethspanncraig(at) with your proposed guest post. If accepted, we'll find an opening on the editorial calendar that suits your schedule.
Posts can be anywhere from 300--1200 words. Please send it as a Word document or post it into the body of your email.
Please include a short bio, links to your blog or recent release ("buy-link"), book cover and author photo, if you have them, with your completed guest post.
Images: If including images in your post, please make sure the photographer has been credited and that the image has a Creative Commons license or that you own the rights. And don't feel that you must include images.
Responding to comments is much-appreciated as is linking to the post on your social media platforms (I'll be sharing on Facebook and Twitter). The post will be included in my weekly Twitterific round-up on Sunday and will be included in the Writer's Knowledge Base search engine.
Please understand that in some cases I may need to edit for length or content.
Deadline: I'd prefer to get the post several days before it runs.
No staff writers or freelancers representing other businesses, please. I don't publish posts from online marketing firms, commercial websites that are not providing services for professional writers, or content farms. No affiliate links to build incoming link SEO for other companies. No essay/academic paper/online college/research paper writing businesses. I'd rather publish posts from individuals not representing online businesses unless the online business in question is directly related to publishing (offering cover design, formatting, editing, publishing services to writers).
Unfortunately, due to my fast-paced schedule, I'm unable to review books.
Please note that this blog does not pay for content.
Thanks for visiting IWSG, Elizabeth. It was a true pleasure showcasing you and your blog this month. Thanks for all you do for writers young and old.
Joylene–And thanks so much to you for your kind feature! So appreciated! Thanks for all that you and the IWSG do for writers.