Setting Up a Blog–and a Thanks

blog9 First of all, I want to thank Writer’s Digest for the honor of choosing Mystery Writing is Murder as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers (Genres/Niches). Their list has just been published in the May/June 2010 issue, just hitting the stands now. Thanks so much!

But it’s all due to my friends who are so active on my blog—supporting me with their comments and making me think. Y’all are incredibly supportive and I really, really appreciate it.

I spoke Thursday evening at the Women’s National Book Association of Charlotte meeting with Susan Dosier and Carrie Ryan about social media promoting for writers.

One thing I found interesting was that many of the attending industry professionals were on Facebook and Twitter but didn’t blog.

I think it’s easy for the blogging world to get a little insular. I’m starting to think that everybody blogs and that’s just not true.

So here’s a quick post on setting up your writing related blog.

The first thing I would do is set a goal. What are you trying to accomplish with your blog? And I’d caution that even if a blog is supposed to be a promotional vehicle, that’s probably not going to fly for very long in the social networking world. Social media is really all about supplying content—and providing a service to your readers. A soft sell approach is best in the social media sphere.

After you know what you want, decide how much time you have to spend on the blog. If you’re honest with yourself and realize you don’t have a lot of free time, then limit your posting right out of the gate. It really doesn’t matter that you’re only posting once a week…but you need to let your readers in on your plan. Even if readers are using Google Reader to tune in to new content, it’s still nice to know that “if it’s Wednesday, there must be something fresh on Julie’s blog.”

Then I would write a whole slew of posts before the blog goes live. Write as many high-content posts as you can handle. That way you’ll have a buffer between you (and your busy life) and your blog.

Decide who you’d like to host your blog. WordPress gets the best press and is probably less-buggy…but I’ve gotten used to Blogger, quirks and all.

Keep your blog somewhat focused, at least at first. Otherwise, readers might get a little confused about where you’re going with it. Sometimes I’ll visit blogs and one day they’ll focus on politics, another day on humor…that’s fine if you already have your audience. If you’re building an audience, that can make things tricky. If you want to regularly show photography or focus on your hobby, etc, it might be good to assign it to a particular day of the week..and even post those days in the sidebar so that we all know that Wednesdays are “Wordless Wednesdays” with photography featured.

Give your readers a way to follow you and become part of the community. Feature an RSS feed button, a “Followers” button, etc, prominently on your blog page.

Develop your readership (and learn how blogging is done) by visiting blogs that are similar to your own. When you hang out at blogs that are frequently updated and with regular commenters, then comment there—adding content to the post with your comment, if possible. Link back to your blog.

Visit other blogs in this active blog’s blogroll. If those are active and healthy, comment on those blogs….adding content and a link back to your blog.

Make sure, if you’re an author, to have a buy button on your site, “contact me” info, and that you’ve made it clear that you’re a writer. Profile pictures are nice, too, and help readers to relate to you a little better, I think.

Blogging has been an incredibly experience for me and I’ve gained so much from it. Is it time-consuming? Yes. Is it worth it? Definitely.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Debbie CowensApril 23, 2010

    Congratulations on being included in the 101 Best Websites for Writers. Lots of good advice in this post. Thanks.

  2. Jemi FraserApril 23, 2010

    Woohoo! Congrats – that is an awesome award :)

    I jumped into blogging last summer with both feet after reading a grand total of 2 blog posts on a friend’s blog. I didn’t have a clue what I was getting into! Wish I’d had your list back then!!

  3. Journaling WomanApril 23, 2010

    Congrats! Your blog is awesome. You give your readers helpful tips to progress as writers.

  4. Mason CanyonApril 23, 2010

    Congratulations on being included. It’s well deserved. Your post are always have helpful and informative.

    Thoughts in Progress

  5. Margot KinbergApril 23, 2010

    Elizabeth – Congratulations! You more than deserved the honor. I learn from you every time that I visit. I also want to second what you say about what a great experience blogging is. I’ve found it has been a terrific use of my time.

    Your advice makes a lot of sense; I’d say one of the most important is to focus your blog. If you’re going to use a blog as a professional tool, it’s important to make it clear what kind of blog it is, and what its main topic is, and that means focusing it.

  6. Alan OrloffApril 23, 2010

    Congrats, Elizabeth! Your blog is fantastic–one of my daily must-visits. Great info and a great bunch of regular blog readers.

  7. Stacy PostApril 23, 2010

    Congratulations, Elizabeth! How cool is that? :) I love reading your posts…they are insightful and delightful. Happy Friday to you!

  8. Jody HedlundApril 23, 2010

    Congrats, Elizabeth! What an honor!

  9. Carol KilgoreApril 23, 2010

    I agree with everything you say. And you do such a good job. Congratulations on the 101 :)

  10. Karen WalkerApril 23, 2010

    Elizabeth, that is such an honor. I’m not surprised, I’ve been feeling like you have a nonfiction book in you about writing. They probably see the same thing. Your blog is a real gift to writers. Congratulations on a well-deserved recognition.

  11. JLStrattonApril 23, 2010

    First off, a big wonderful congratulations. Next, I just want to say again, how great I think your blog is. Writer’ Digest certainly made the right choice including your blog on their list.

    I just love your article on setting up a blog. I will be referring back to it often as I grow my own blog. So far I’ve got everything down except the “Focus” part – I’ll have to keep working on that.

    Again Congratulations, and please keep supplying us with this wonderful information and insight.

  12. L. Diane WolfeApril 23, 2010

    Congratulations – that is absolutely awesome!!!!

  13. JanetApril 23, 2010

    Your blog deserves to be on that list, Elizabeth. I learn so much about the writing business – and your links to other great information is not only very generous on your part, but also very helpful as I work toward publication.

  14. Alex J. CavanaughApril 23, 2010

    Working on all of that as hard as I can, Elizabeth.
    And good stuff – you’re officially one of the best blogs in the world now.

  15. Helen GingerApril 23, 2010

    As always, Elizabeth, excellent advice.

    Congratulations on being included in Writer’s Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers. That’s fantastic!

    Straight From Hel

  16. Julie DaoApril 23, 2010

    Congratulations Elizabeth, I so agree with their choosing your site because it’s one of the most helpful and informative that I’ve come across. Thank you for sharing your considerable experience – I always learn something new when I visit! These are great tips for new bloggers. I began mine to network and to self-promote, and so far it’s worked on both counts.

  17. BluestockingApril 23, 2010

    Congrats! I know between your website and your oh-so-valuable tweets, I’m in for content of a certain quality. It helps me keep the required reading down (and on topic) thanks to your efforts.

  18. Elspeth AntonelliApril 23, 2010

    A well-deserved accolade! I find all your posts informative and I also enjoy the little glimpses of your day-to-day life.

  19. KarenGApril 23, 2010

    That is awesome!! Congratulations!

  20. GlynisApril 23, 2010

    Grabbing five minutes to read your blog.

    Wow, congratulations on your blog recognition, by Writer’s Digest. How exciting for you. It is well deserved, you are a supportive blogger. Your blog is interesting and informative.

    I have two blogs, one for my silly bits and one is my author blog. On the latter, I keep it writer related as best I can.

  21. HeatherApril 23, 2010

    Huge congratulations to you for making Writer’s Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers! That’s fantastic, and well deserved. I always know I’m going to leave your blog with something I can use. Thank you for that!

  22. Watery TartApril 23, 2010

    CONGRATULATIONS on making that Best Blog list! That is HUGE! (not to mention deserved–why do you think I’ve been following you around all these months?)

    And excellent post! Wait… my blog is supposed to have a point? *snort* I totally agree though, that making it either consistent or predictable is critical.

  23. Elizabeth FrengelApril 23, 2010

    I’ve only been reading Mystery Writing Is Murder for a few weeks (thanks, Amy Dawson Robertson for leading me here) and am delightfully hooked. Your recognition is mightily deserved.
    –Miss Lemon

  24. Laura MarcellaApril 23, 2010

    I really liked this post. I think I’m following your tips pretty well… Blogging IS time consuming, but I finally have a good schedule down of how much time I want to spend in the blogosphere. It’s addicting, though! Whenever I have extra time I like popping on over and seeing what’s going on. :) I’m having a great time blogging and I’m so glad I decided to participate!

    Congrats again, Elizabeth! I’m excited for you!

  25. Michele EmrathApril 23, 2010

    Well, congratulations! I hadn’t read my issue yet–what an honor! Your’s is certainly one of my favorites. :)


  26. SugarApril 23, 2010

    Congrats! I love blogging also. Although mine is totally random. I have set up another for my writing specifically, just haven’t started it yet :) Maybe someday..

  27. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 23, 2010

    Thanks Debbie! I appreciate it.

    JLStratton–Thanks so much! And good luck with your blog development. Launching a blog can be a pain (it took this one months) but it’s so rewarding in the end.

    Thanks Diane~!

    April 23, 2010 6:53 AM
    Janet–Thanks! I really appreciate it.

    Alex –You’ve done a great job with your blog. And thanks!

    Jemi–And now look how far you’ve come! You’ve got one of the most active blogs around with probably more comments than 95% of them.


    Helen–I appreciate it!

    Mason–Thanks! And thanks for all your support as a reader. :)

    Margot–Thanks! :) And I agree with you on the focus. It’s hard to pick an area to concentrate on, but so important–and readers won’t want to follow along as we’re experimenting with a bunch of different approaches.

    Alan–The regular blog readers are really what makes the blog! And mine are the best. :)

    Stacy–Happy Friday to you, too! And thanks.

    Jody–Thanks so much!

    Bluestocking–Thanks! I’m glad I’m helping to narrow it down. I still feel like there should be a way to filter writing blogs through a particular portal…searchable database…I’m working on it. :)

    Thanks Carol!

    Karen–You’ve been so supportive! I appreciate it. And you’ll be in my acknowledgments if I ever do write that nonfiction book because you’ve encouraged me to write one!

    Karen–Thanks! :)

    Glynis–Thanks! And you’ve brought up a good point–having 2 blogs is a great way to focus on different things you’re interested in.

    Heather–Thanks so much! I appreciate it.


    And, yours is consistently INconsistent…..which makes it predictable in an unpredictable way! Or maybe I need some more coffee…
    Julie–Thanks! And you’re so right…blogging provides a platform and an online home base for us–it’s hard to really *measure* how that helps us, but I know that it’s helped with name recognition on Google (making it easier for readers to find me online), gotten me both print and online reviews, and helped me obtain other promotional gigs. Most important, I think, have been the friendships–and the great information that’s out there being shared.

    Elizabeth–I really appreciate your kind words and your visits to my blog. :)

    Elspeth–Thanks so much! :)

    Laura–It CAN really be addicting, can’t it? When I’m away from my computer (on vacation, etc.) then I find I really MISS not knowing what everyone is doing.

    Sugar–There are never enough hours in the day, are there?

  28. Cricket McRaeApril 23, 2010

    I saw you listed as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers as I was reading the latest copy of Wirter’s Digest just last night. HUGE congrats!

    Really good advice here for things to consider before starting a blog.

    Hearth Cricket

  29. Jaleh DApril 23, 2010

    That’s wonderful news. This is such an informative place to visit. Glad you’re being recognized so publicly. You deserve it.

  30. Mary AalgaardApril 23, 2010

    Great blogging tips. What’s missing on mine is a public statement about when I post. Otherwise, I am enjoying all the connecting, the creative output, and how they both stimulate more writing!

  31. Lisa_GibsonApril 23, 2010

    Congrats on the inclusion into WD! Great advice on setting up your blog too.

  32. LisaApril 23, 2010

    Congratulations! WD made a good choice, because your blog is one of my favorites to visit. Thanks a lot for the post. My blog is brand spanking new, so I appreciate all the advice you give out.

  33. Alexandra CrocodileApril 23, 2010

    Congrats on being included! I just found your blog, but Iæm sure it’s amazing:)

  34. Deb SalisburyApril 24, 2010

    Congrats on being included in the 101 Best Websites for Writers – you deserve it!

  35. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 24, 2010

    Thanks, Cricket! I appreciate it.

    Jaleh–Thanks! And thanks to you for visiting the blog. :)

    Mary–The blogging creates the perfect writing climate, doesn’t it? It makes me feel like *everyone* is writing–which makes me want to write more.

    Lisa–Thank you. :) I appreciate it!

    Thanks, Michele!

    Lisa–Thanks. And good luck with your blog!

    Alexandra–Thanks! :) And thanks for coming by and commenting.

  36. Cleo CoyleApril 24, 2010

    Elizabeth — I just had to stop by with a bottle of *virtual* champagne for your well-deserved Writer’s Digest recognition. Your blog is a comforting salon for both the aspiring author and the published vet (an amazing feat in itself), and I’m always inspired by your posts. Your content, dedication, and unflagging graciousness make this a must-visit blog for me, and I’m not surprised at all that you’re getting the recognition you deserve. Congratulations!


  37. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 24, 2010

    Cleo–Thanks! Making friends like you is the top reason I look *forward* to blogging and hanging out online every day. :) I could do all this and not be excited about it, but instead it’s fun. And thanks to you and all my online friends for making it so much FUN.

    Deb–Thanks so much! And thanks for all your support on my blog.

  38. Patricia StolteyApril 25, 2010

    All great advice, Elizabeth. And congratulations for being included in the website list. That’s exciting!

  39. Simon C. LarterApril 26, 2010

    Oh, my. Congrats on the listing, good lady! You absolutely deserve it. Though I have no idea how you keep up with it all. I think you get more hours in the day than the rest of us. It’s the only explanation…. :)

  40. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsApril 27, 2010


    Simon–I might get a *few* extra hours in the day–I’m an insomniac. :) Who knew that would end up being an advantage?

  41. HenyaApril 29, 2010

    Congratulations, Elizabeth on the 101. Well deserved. Must be nice to know that your efforts are appreciated.

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