So You Think You Are a Writer—by Angela Neal

blog4 If someone tells me that they are a writer, I don’t tend to question it. Anyone who loves to write and does so recreationally is indeed a writer. “Being a writer” is about more than just putting words on a page… it’s a way of seeing the world. However, there is a big difference between being a writer at heart and being a writer who can put money in the bank and food on the table from their writing.

As an editor of several blogs, I have to deal with a wide pool of writers on a regular basis and am often frustrated by inexperienced writers’ complete misconceptions surrounding what it means to be a professional writer. Let me be clear about one key point: earning a living as a writer takes more than just good writing. If you are just embarking on your writing career, let me say that again; Earning a living takes more than just good writing. In fact, in the past I have chosen to work with writers whose work might not have been top notch, but their professionalism and understanding of an assignment was higher than that of other writers who struggled with the demands of creating web copy.

Here then, are some of the top issues that as a writer you will need to face before deciding if this is really a career for you.

Be prepared to pay your dues

If you are dreaming of writing articles for Cosmopolitan or the New York Times, or believe that you will only write about topics that inspire you, and envision earning $1 per word that’s great. If you think that this will happen overnight you are in for a painful wake-up call. Most writers start out with writing jobs that are low paid and often painfully boring or repetitive and work their way up. The good news is that if you are willing to work hard you can build a strong portfolio and a stable of references that will earn you the better jobs, but it does take time, patience and perseverance.

You need to find your voice

This is a big problem among the bloggers that I get submissions from. Many can write a 500 word article, but only a few can write one that engages the reader, entertains, educates or holds their attention past the first paragraph. Make sure your work doesn’t fall into the blah, blah, blah black hole!

Get into good research habits.

Being a fast and efficient researcher will allow you to take on a wider range of topics and complete work faster. I have a stock of reliable reference sites for getting general background information fast, and I create a folder of bookmarks for each topic I tackle. That way I have references if needed and can quickly access the information if I have to write an article on a similar topic in the future.

Manage your time

Finding a way to earn a good hourly wage when you are being paid per word or per project can be challenging, but this is part of being a professional writer. When considering a project take into consideration the time it will take you to do research, formatting, keyword research or any other additional tasks that will accompany the actual writing. I strongly recommend making a writing schedule that allows you to quickly view your commitments and organize your deadlines.

Understand that you are writing for a client, not for yourself!
At the end of the day, the person who will judge your work is the person who is paying you. This is the major difference between writing for pleasure and writing for profit. You might not think that 300 words is enough to cover the topic of Facebook as a social phenomenon, but if that’s the brief you accepted then that is exactly what you will need to write.

About the author:

Angela Neal is a freelance writer and online marketing consultant. She has written articles for national magazines and newspapers in the US, Spain and the UK and for hundreds of client websites and blogs, including NBC. She currently writes about writing for Writers Remorse You can also find her at her own blog

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergJune 19, 2010

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Angela.

    Angela – I appreciate this advice and perspective very much. I think that seeing oneself as a professional is key to being a professional writer. Having done some freelancing, I completely respect your point about doing what clients need, managing time, etc. It’s all part of seeing oneself as a professional, I think.

  2. Mason CanyonJune 19, 2010

    Angela, great post and very informative. There are many points here that every writer (no matter why or what they are writing) should reminder.

    Thanks Elizabeth for hosting Angela.

    Thoughts in Progress

  3. Rayna M. IyerJune 19, 2010

    I really love this post. Personally, I list writing as one of my passions, but do not call myself a writer, because I realise that I write more for myself than for the reader.

    But I see so many wannabe writers who think they should be successful, when actually they neither have anything interesting to say, nor a particularly engaging way to say it. I am seriously tempted to forward this post to them!

  4. Jemi FraserJune 19, 2010

    Great points! I especially like the point about writing for the client not yourself – so important to remember!

  5. Bethany ElizabethJune 19, 2010

    This is a great post – very helpful. I’m a writer, and I know that it takes work like you say, but I don’t plan on earning my living through writing. I mean, I’d love to, but I can’t write articles to save my life (Trust me, I’ve tried) and I don’t trust myself with tight deadlines. “Get your novel done in the next month” I can handle, but “Finish in the next week or we’ll die of starvation” is a little much for me. :D

  6. Journaling WomanJune 19, 2010

    This is one of my favorite posts here from a guest. Lots of great information.


  7. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJune 19, 2010

    Thanks so much, Angela, for guest posting today! I love this topic because I continue writing articles and doing a small amount of freelance on the side. There’s something both challenging and rewarding about writing on topic and making sure your article suits the style of the periodical you’re submitting to.
    Thanks for these tips!

  8. Jan MorrisonJune 19, 2010

    In the fiscal climate of Nova Scotia I have found it best to have a patchwork livlihood plan. I am a writer and make some of my income from writing for the government on a contract basis. I like it though it is more meeting than writing, more compromising than creating and more slog than glory. However, it also pays very well. I write my novels as an investment. I would write them at anyrate but if I didn’t think they would be good enough to publish AND sell I’d have a harder time. As such, I am content to put my time in on this huge learning curve of being a writer. I am also a psychotherapist (very suited to the writing life), murder mystery entertainment producer, clown and photographer. Somewhere in there we manage to eat…
    Thanks for this Angela – I love the cool surprise of wisdom!
    Thanks Elizabeth for hosting Angela.

  9. Clarissa DraperJune 19, 2010

    Interesting post. You state some great point. It is indeed important for a writer to have a plan, carry it through.


  10. Alex J. CavanaughJune 19, 2010

    I guess that despite my upcoming book this fall, I’ll never be considered a writer, because article writing holds no interest for me.

  11. SparklyscottyJune 19, 2010

    Thanks guys! I am glad you found the post interesting.

  12. DianeJune 19, 2010

    Good article with great advice. Thanks! :O)

  13. Jaleh DJune 19, 2010

    This was helpful. It has some wonderful points to keep in mind for myself and for sharing. Thanks.

  14. Simon C. LarterJune 21, 2010

    “the blah, blah, blah black hole…”




    That’s a good one, good lady. I shall remember that and overuse it for the next several months. Probably in the critiques I give other writers. I’m sure they’ll love it just as much as I do. :)

    Great article. thanks!

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