Writing Our (Food) Region

Cozy Chicks It’s the traveling version of Mystery Writing is Murder today!

First up, I’m at the Cozy Chicks blog—a great group of writers who are also friends of mine. Today I’m posting on how writing about food in our books can add local flavor to our novels.

And, if you’re looking for a quick and easy hors d’oeuvre for your next summer gathering, look no further than my bacon-wrapped, cream cheese-stuffed jalapenos at the Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen!

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergJuly 8, 2010

    Heading over!

  2. Terry OdellJuly 8, 2010

    Love food in books. I mean, characters have to eat, right. Why not find a good reason to include those scenes.

  3. Jan MorrisonJuly 8, 2010

    that’s all I need to know! Humour, food and sex are key components to my life and the books I like to read. Last Night in Twisted River was full of foodie delights as one of the main characters was a cook. I’m reading a new to me Louise Penney ‘The Cruellest Month’ and I know she’ll have the gay guys over at the B&B cooking up some wonderful meals as only the Quebecois can! I’m going to bop over and visit you now!

  4. KarenGJuly 8, 2010

    Yay for food! I love it when there’s food in books, even if it’s not part of the plot, I like to know what people are eating. In real life & in books too.

  5. The Daring NovelistJuly 8, 2010

    I always do food in my books. Mick, the narrator of my mystery/westerns is very fond of pie, and as often as not seeking it out. In my WIP, Karla is a good cook, but she’s not a foodie like I am. But I discovered that George is secret foodie (and suffers greatly in being a codependent on someone with an eating disorder….)

  6. Helen GingerJuly 8, 2010

    I’ve seen recipes in cozies. I can’t remember if I’ve seen any in something like a thriller. Wonder if they are mostly in cozies and maybe some romance?

    Straight From Hel

  7. Elspeth AntonelliJuly 8, 2010

    I have many scenes involving food – it’s a great way for suspects to get together and throw suspicion on each other. (they’d never throw the food – that’s just not done)

  8. Jane Kennedy SuttonJuly 8, 2010

    I’m not sure I should be reading about food when my kitchen is so bare…but I can’t really resist.

  9. Michele EmrathJuly 9, 2010

    Mmmm…Two of my favorite things: food and books!

    Southern City Mysteries

  10. N A SharpeJuly 9, 2010

    Sounds great – the details definitely the story to life. No idea I was in for such a treat today!

    Your blogs are always so much fun! I have an award for you tomorrow over on my blog.

    Nancy, from Realms of Thought…

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