18 Things I’ve Learned About Book Marketing

Confessions of a Watery Tart For most of us, promo is the least favorite part of the writing process, even ranking under revision and agent pitches. For me, there’s really nothing that comes naturally about selling—so I’ve had to work at it. Publishers expect it, and with the competitive nature of the book market today, it’s really a necessity if you want to keep your books on the shelf.

I’ve promoted books from tiny publishers to very large ones. For a list of tips, please pop over to Hart Johnson’s blog, Confessions of a Watery Tart. :) Yes, the tour rolls on!

I’ll also have an interview up on Fresh Fiction today, where Sharon Galligar Chance interviewed me for Sharon’s Cozy Corner there.

And I had some exciting news from my editor yesterday. Delicious and Suspicious hit #29 on Bookscan’s mystery list, #31 Borders Group (BGI) Mystery list and #15 for the Barnes and Noble Mystery List, making the book a national bestseller. Thanks so much for all the support I’ve gotten here and at the bookstore, y’all!

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Ingrid KingJuly 15, 2010

    Congratulatons! That’s so exciting that Delicious and Suspicious is doing so well!

  2. Ingrid KingJuly 15, 2010

    Oops – that was supposed to be “congratulations!”

  3. Mason CanyonJuly 15, 2010

    Congratulations on the exciting news. I’m sure DELICIOUS AND SUSPICIOUS will continue to move up all three charts. It’s a great book.

    Thoughts in Progress

  4. Margot KinbergJuly 15, 2010

    Elizabeth – Such great news about Delicious and Suspicious! OK, now, off to read your post!

  5. Marisa BirnsJuly 15, 2010

    That’s wonderful news! I add my congratulations to the ones here.

    Now off to read your links. :)

  6. Michele EmrathJuly 15, 2010

    Wow–this one really hit the spot with readers! Congrats on your success, Elizabeth. I know how busy you are touring, so I decided to do a little post in your honor on my blog tomorrow. After all, the book arrived yesterday, so why not talk about it? Swing by if you can–Friday.

    Heading to read your interviews now…


  7. Karen WalkerJuly 15, 2010

    Way to go, Elizabeth. National bestseller. Wow, I can say I knew her when….

  8. Journaling WomanJuly 15, 2010

    YES! This is great news, Elizabeth.

  9. Simon C. LarterJuly 15, 2010

    I <3 Hart. :)

    *runs off to read*

  10. Alex J. CavanaughJuly 15, 2010

    Hart is awesome! On my way.

  11. Helen GingerJuly 15, 2010

    Congratulations Elizabeth. That’s fabulous news! You are amazing. If you were here we could both dance up and down in a circle. (I look rather silly doing it myself.) Yay.

    Off to tweet.
    Straight From Hel

  12. B. MillerJuly 15, 2010

    AWESOME!! *internet high five* You’re like, a famous person now! WOOT!!

    Read the interview at Hart’s blog and commented… some really great tips in that list! Thanks!

    And congrats! You deserve it. :)

  13. Mary AalgaardJuly 15, 2010

    You have arrived!

  14. TK RichardsonJuly 15, 2010

    Wow! Congratulations!!

  15. SM SchmidtJuly 15, 2010

    Congrats on the well deserved rankings!

  16. Laura MarcellaJuly 15, 2010

    WOW, congrats, Elizabeth!!! That’s super exciting! I can’t wait to receive the copy I ordered. Snail mail really is the appropriate name, lol!

  17. Alan OrloffJuly 15, 2010

    Congrats on the great sales of D&S! Terrific!

  18. Cruella CollettJuly 15, 2010

    That your book made national bestseller is just so very cool, and well-deserved. Congratulations! Looking forward to reading it! :)

  19. Jane Kennedy SuttonJuly 15, 2010

    What exciting news, Elizabeth! You must be floating on air. Congratulations and may your sales continue to soar!

  20. Terry StonecropJuly 15, 2010

    Congratulations on your book sales! I know what you mean about marketing, but well done.

  21. Tamika:July 16, 2010

    Absolutely thrilling Elizabeth! I couldn’t be more appy for you:)

    I’m back and blogging~ missed everyone more than I can say. It’s good to be back and see great things are still blooming around me.

  22. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJuly 16, 2010

    Ingrid–Thank you! And as far as typos go, I think my brain is so fried that who knows what kind of craziness I’ve been typing lately!

    Simon–I do too. :) Thanks!

    Alex–Yes she is! Thanks.

    Mason–Thanks so much! I appreciate it.

    Helen–I think I’ve DONE that circle dance…and I look a little like my dog does, trying to chase her nonexistent corgi tail. :)

    Margot–Thanks. :)

    Marisa–Thanks so much!

    B. Miller–Thanks for going by there! And thanks for the congrats. I’ll look forward to reading your book on the shelves sometime soon! We Anderson/Greenville SC folks have got to stick together. :)

    Michele–Oh wow–thanks! You know I’ll guest blog for you anytime…but thanks so much for the post tomorrow!

    Mary–Thanks! I’m still jittery though. Maybe I should cut back on the coffee….

    Karen–Thanks! You’re sweet. :)

    TK Richardson–Thank you!

    Journaling Woman–Thanks! It’s been an exciting couple of days. :)

    SM Schmid–Thanks for the congrats! I really appreciate it. :)

    Laura–That little snail is going to be worn out! Thanks so much for ordering my book. :)

    Jane–Thanks so much!

    Terry–Thank you! Yes, the marketing is a necessary evil, but it’s so nice when it pays off. :)

    Alan–Thanks! :)

    Cruella–Thanks so much!

  23. zzJuly 16, 2010

    Great news Elizabeth, I read your article on Hart’s blog. It was really helpful and really encouraging. All the best with your latest book.

  24. JulietteJuly 16, 2010


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