
Riley and Avery at Joseph-Beth Bookstore, Charlotte, NC

Busy day on Friday, but we really covered some ground!

First of all, actually, was the signing Avery and I did at Joseph Beth bookstore in the South Park area of Charlotte.  They did a beautiful banner for us, which you can see in the background.  Great crowd came out and they asked wonderful questions.

I think that really I never need to follow a presentation by Avery!  She (as her alter-ego Daryl Wood Gerber) was a professional actress on television.  And me? I need to work on my presentation a little!  :) 

Friday we signed in Winston-Salem, NC and Greensboro, NC before driving to a tea in Raleigh.  Great tea, great staff and readers at the Barnes and Noble there!

I’m going to crash now….full day tomorrow.


Killer Cozies Tour:  Ellery Adams, Avery Aames, Krista Davis, Riley Adams (and no…I don’t turn around when someone calls “Riley!” because Avery tried it.) :) 

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Toby NealAugust 14, 2010

    Sounds wonderful, congrats!

  2. Mason CanyonAugust 14, 2010

    Sounds like the tour is going great. Have fun and wishing y’all lots of success and safe trips home.

    Thoughts in Progress

  3. Margot KinbergAugust 14, 2010

    Elizabeth – It looks and sounds as though you folks had a marvelous time and the tour is going beautifully. So happy for you! I look forward to more details, and I wish you much success on the rest of the tour.

  4. Journaling WomanAugust 14, 2010

    Good for you! Hope you are having fun.

  5. Michele EmrathAugust 14, 2010

    Cool pic! I’m planning to be at the Monday library event! See you all there!


  6. Piedmont WriterAugust 14, 2010

    I’m sorry I missed you in Winston. I was all set to go but my daughter got sick (school shot reaction).

    It looked like a lot of fun though. Maybe next time the Killer Cozies come around. Have a great time with the rest of the tour.

  7. Terry OdellAugust 14, 2010

    Fantastic! Thanks for sharing, and I wish I could hit more signings–there aren’t any bookstores where I live! Not close, anyway.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  8. Clarissa DraperAugust 14, 2010

    I’m so glad you’re having success on your series. The photos are lovely. I wish I could go to one of the signing but they are nowhere near my house.

    I have so many pen names that I get confused when signing my emails.


  9. Alex J. CavanaughAugust 14, 2010

    Glad the tour is going well!

  10. Helen GingerAugust 14, 2010

    Thanks for the pictures. It looks like y’all are having great fun (and that fun spirit will carry over to those who come by to see you).

    Happy sales!


  11. N A SharpeAugust 14, 2010

    Sounds like you are having a VERY successful tour – congrats! Looking forward to more details.

  12. Judy HarperAugust 14, 2010

    Glad to see things are going well! I see you you have a much deserved award!

  13. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 15, 2010

    Thanks so much, everybody! I’m enjoying the tour so far. Piedmont Writer, I hope your daughter is better soon! And Michele, I’m looking forward to seeing you on Monday. :)

  14. L. Diane WolfeAugust 15, 2010

    Sorry I missed you in Raleigh! I’d been up in the mountains on Thursday for two seminars and was coming home on Friday, so even if I’d known, I was too exhausted to get back in my car and return to Raleigh.

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