Thoughts on Group Blogs

MLK banner Besides this blog, I’m on a few group blogs: Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen (Berkley Prime Crime mystery authors and our recipes), Inkspot (for Midnight Ink authors), Killer Characters (where cozy writers’ characters have taken over the blog), and A Good Blog is Hard to Find (Southern authors).

I love my own blog and feel like it’s my own little front door to the online world. But it’s also fun being part of a group blog of other writers. You have a chance to connect with them (Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen and Inkspot both connect to their members through a closed Yahoo Group—Good Blog uses email) and really develop some online friendships. Plus, you’re getting more online exposure for your writing on another venue—and, depending on the size of the group, you’re not blogging every day.

If you decide to go that route, this is how the ones I’m on usually work:
Everyone has the ability to make changes on the blog and author posts.

Usually, though, there’s one person who is mostly in charge of the design of the blog. We usually run any changes on the blog by them first…otherwise it’s sort of a “too many cooks spoiling the stew” scenario. Major design changes should be decided by the group, though.

If you have a week’s worth of members on the blog, everyone has an assigned day of the week. I know I’m up every Thursday on Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen. If you have a month’s worth of members, then everyone has a day of the month…I’m up on the 10th of each month on Killer Characters. Otherwise, the schedule needs to be emailed out each time—usually 5-6 weeks of schedule at a time. Most of the time, this will work out—but sometimes writers will forget their day on the larger group blogs.

Saturdays are usually not popular with writers for posting. It’s thought to be a day that gets less blog traffic (although I haven’t actually noticed this to be true.) Sometimes, rotating out Saturday duties is nice. And some blogs that I’m on actually leave weekends out of the mix…they’ll either have a guest blogger scheduled or will have PR news or announcements from group members posted on those days.

You’re expected as a group member to support the other members by commenting on their blog posts at least every few days.

You’ll be expected to respond to comments on your day.

Promoting the group blog on social media like Facebook and Twitter is also really appreciated.

Trading out guest posts with other group blogs is a nice way to get cross-exposure for both groups.

Have you thought about forming a group blog or asking to join one?

And again, my apologies for being offline more often than not as I’m on my book tour.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergAugust 17, 2010

    Elizabeth – I am so glad you’re having a successful blog tour! And thanks for the “inside story” on group blogs. I admire Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen because it seems to run so smoothly, and each of you adds a different flavor, so to speak, to the dinner ; ). I’d think that a group blog offers a really viable way to get more blog-sposure, because it is another blog, but it’s also nt the daily responsibility that one’s own blog is. Hmm…. food for thought…. : ).

  2. Michele EmrathAugust 17, 2010

    The group blogs I have read are a great way to get many viewpoints at one time. I can see a bunch of authors, and click multiple links from one page. In addition to yours, my favorite is Murder is Everywhere, made up of authors from around the world–Thailand to Brazil to Iceland. The dynamic of a good group mix is enticing.

    And your group certainly worked in person last night in Cary!


  3. Crystal JigsawAugust 17, 2010

    They sound very interesting. I’m a member of several websites where I have met many fascinating bloggers, and a whole lot of talented writers. The online community is often a great advantage to our writing world.

    CJ xx

  4. Karen WalkerAugust 17, 2010

    No, I’ve never thought about participating in a group blog, but I think it’s a great idea. Hope your tour is going well, Elizabeth.

  5. Enid WilsonAugust 17, 2010

    So how did you join the group blogs, besides your publisher’s one? Did you ask or someone approach you?

    Really Angelic

  6. Hart JohnsonAugust 17, 2010

    We are still in a big of a growing pains stage with our group blog, but I really love it. We have 7 bloggers, then themed the days, with weekends for drabbles. That way each of us rotates through all the days, but it is a little chaotic to keep track of.

    We’ve definitely had ‘too many cooks’ problems (typically with me playing around when it wasn’t my turn *shifty*) but I think it is good experience for growing as a ‘team player’ and I think we’ve each pulled in different readersm so that is pretty cool.

    I have no idea how you do all you do.

  7. The Old SillyAugust 17, 2010

    I’ve been a member of a few group blogs, but haven’t yet started and run one. Certainly an option … someday when I get more doggone TIME, lol…

  8. Clarissa DraperAugust 17, 2010

    I have been asked once but I had to turn it down. I would love to be a part of one but I’m not sure I have the scheduling for it. I think the idea is grand though.


  9. Jemi FraserAugust 17, 2010

    Group blogs sound like a fun way to go – and with a lot of advantages. Great advice :)

  10. Jane Kennedy SuttonAugust 17, 2010

    Although I think group blogs are a wonderful idea, I feel like I’m doing good to post a new post on my own site once a week. I honestly don’t see how you get everything done. I’ve convinced myself you never sleep:)

    Hope your book tour is running smoothly and successfully and that you’re having fun along the way.

  11. Dorte HAugust 17, 2010

    You could say that I administrate a group blog for aspiring Danish writers where they can publish short pieces of fiction. It doesn´t work nearly as well as my own blog, however, as very few of the members are as dedicated to writing as I am. This week I suggested we stopped it, but that suddenly reminded them how much they loved our blog so let´s see …

    And then I have a question for you: have you ever written a blog post about the difficult middle? I can´t be the only writer who sets out, full of ideas and enthusiasm, and know exactly where my story is going to end, but I run out of plot too early (I could kill off an extra handful of victims, but I consider that solution bad form – and not very cozy). So a post along these lines would be much appreciated. And not until you have the time to write it, mind you! I don´t mean to put you under stress.

  12. L. Diane WolfeAugust 17, 2010

    LOL! I agree with Jane. I can’t even keep up with my own blog right now.

  13. Alex J. CavanaughAugust 17, 2010

    I was asked to help start a group blog and we’re exchanging ideas right now. It’s a little intimidating, as I don’t feel I’m as qualified as the others.

  14. Judy HarperAugust 18, 2010

    I’ve just joined a group blog. The blog is about my family line. I”m the administrator with the other members being added at authors. My grandfather had 7 children. By having a family member from each child, we can accumulate more history, pictures and stories. That way I won’t have to be the one scanning, visiting and such. The blog was just started, but I think, once everyone starts contributing and sees how much fun and learn many so much about our family, it will be a success. Very interesting post!

  15. Cold As HeavenAugust 17, 2010

    In the blog-world I’m a lone rider. I enjoy the group blogs i read, like Blood-Red Pencil and Burrowers, Books & Balderdash >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  16. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsAugust 17, 2010

    Crystal–Doesn’t it? I really enjoy being part of it!

    Enid–Let’s see. Alan Orloff actually mentioned Inkspot to me, I think. And “A Good Blog is Hard to Find” asked me because I liked commenting over there. My editor suggested I become part of “Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen.” I became part of “Killer Characters” because we’re in a promo group together. Hm. Actually, I think I’ve been approached each time, but it’s certainly a good idea to ask a group if they have an open slot. Most would be *delighted* to have an extra blogger to help out with the work.

    Margot–Exactly. In my way of thinking, you have the opportunity to reach a lot more people (as long as everyone helps promote) with a lot less work. :)

    Michele–Mystery is Everywhere is a great example of a group blog…and I need to check in over there more frequently!

    We did work well together last night, didn’t we? :) But we’re all friends, so maybe that’s why. I loved meeting you in person!

    Hart–It’s a great blog, and I’m sure you’re getting it hammered out!

    I think it’s a great opportunity to learn a LOT from other writers. Sometimes they’re with other publishers, so that’s interesting, too! :)

    The Old Silly–I thought you *were* on a group blog!

    Clarissa–Your personal blog is so detailed that I’d think that would take up most of your time, for sure!


    Jane–Ha! Well, usually I don’t sleep, actually. But I’m trying. I think a group blog could be a really good alternative, too, if we get overloaded with a personal blog and still want an online presence.

    Diane–I feel the same sometimes! :)

    Alex–You’ll find that you have more to offer than you think…I’m sort of the tech support person on a couple of the group blogs.

    Jemi–Maybe you can find one, yourself!

    Dorte–Isn’t it funny how a group blog gets very popular when it’s in danger of being discontinued? :)

    It’s been a little while since I’ve written a saggy middle one, but here it is: And this one is also interesting: .

    Cold as Heaven–You know, I thought I’d be that way, too. I’ve been surprised at how quickly I’ve gotten acclimated to group blogging.

  17. Jaleh DAugust 22, 2010

    I joined a group blog a few weeks ago, but it doesn’t have a set posting schedule. It’s a book/movie review blog so we just post reviews when we have something we want to rave about.

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