Cause-Related Marketing

by Kay Kendall, @Kaylee_Kendall
Everyone knows the publishing world is in
upheaval and it’s a dog-eat-dog world as far as promoting books is concerned.
At first the various ways to connect through social media seemed to be
heaven-sent, yet now, after only a year or two, folks on authors’ chat groups
across the Web lament that book sales are flagging. They say that the kinds of
promotions that used to work are not as effective anymore.
What’s an author to do?
own debut mystery DESOLATION ROW was published by Stairway Press of Seattle
just this spring, and of course I have been going full-tilt with online
marketing. Lately I’m turning the bulk of my attention back to mystery number
two, but when I write for days on end and let the promotion slide, my sales
figures fall. So, like a yoyo, I pop right back to do more online marketing.
You know the drill. Facebook, Twitter,
Goodreads, blogging and/or guest blogging. And now, as if all us authors didn’t
have our hands full already, Everyone
says that an author has to add Google+
What is a poor besieged author to do?
In an earlier incarnation in life I was a
vice president of public affairs with American Express. This was in the late
eighties when the company was pioneering the concept called cause-related
marketing. Now I have begun my own version of that, and I suggest that you at
least consider it. It isn’t something you will have to do daily. The concept is
no longer brand new in the world of marketing, but it is not yet old hat in the
book world.
Simply put, you as an author know what
charitable causes have resonance with you. Find one that also relates to
something in your book. Then promote the fact that you will donate a part of
your royalties to that worthy cause. Both sides of the equation win. Even if
this does not sell more of your books today, you show your true colors as a
caring person about something that is not frivolous, something that is near and
dear to your heart. The homeless, arts in your community, a hospital funding
drive. The list is truly endless.
For example, DESOLATION ROW is set
against the backdrop of the Vietnam War. In 1968 a young bride from Texas uses
her CIA-honed skills to catch the real killer when her husband lands in a
Canadian jail for murdering the draft-resisting son of a United States senator.
Read the whole book and you will find that the overall thrust is pro-soldier
and anti-war.
Because of that ethos, and because I have
supported the organization for more than 30 years, I am choosing to donate a
portion of my royalties to the Paralyzed Veterans of America.  When I talk about that, I not only share with
readers where my heart lies but also profile a worthy organization that does
essential work.  Remember: the connection
between your writing and your cause is key.
I urge you to look at your writing and
your own causes. See what will work to make both sides of that equation gain
prominence and profile. A position that is win-win for all concerned is always
best. And as we used to say back in the day—slightly amended to what I am doing
Kay Kendall is an international award-winning public relations executive
who lives in Texas with her husband, five house rabbits, and spaniel Wills. A
fan of historical mysteries, she set her debut mystery during the Vietnam War,
a key conflict of last century not already overrun with novels. Kay says her
mysteries feature women caught in their own battles during that unusual war
era. “In
I explore what life was like for a
typical young woman–not a headline maker, not a Hanoi Jane or Angela Davis,
but a moderate who nonetheless got swept up by history’s tides during the
turbulent sixties. All that turmoil lends itself to drama, intrigue, and
murder.” Kendall’s now working on her second Austin Starr mystery,
Rainy Day Women.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergJuly 3, 2013

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Kay.

    Kay – I absolutely love the idea of cause-based marketing. Everyone wins, in my opinion. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  2. kkJuly 3, 2013

    Thank you for this opportunity to chat with your readers, Elizabeth, and thank you for your comment, Margot.

    In my guest post I gave only a truncated list of the online opportunities that bedevil a writer’s existence these days. Another one is Pinterest, which more and more authors are using. All these things are great fun but also huge time sucks. I want to write. I also want to be cloned!

  3. kkJuly 3, 2013

    Besides the altruism, it has two other uses. First, it helps writers who feel shy about pushing their own work. Second, it gives you something to say when you are standing at a table at a book signing and you need to draw potential customers over to you. Does that seem true for you, Diane?
    Also, it is a way of positioning your book. In my case, I think it helps dent the possible feeling that people might have that my book would be a left-wing fringe tract.

  4. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJuly 3, 2013

    Thanks so much for posting today, Kay. I’ve not seen anything written on this topic…maybe because promo has always seem so “me” based. I love the idea of helping others and spreading the word of a good cause during the process of marketing.

  5. L. Diane WolfeJuly 3, 2013

    I have partnered with causes before. In person didn’t seem to have much impact, although I haven’t tried it online.

  6. Alex J. CavanaughJuly 3, 2013

    Interesting idea!

  7. LD MastersonJuly 3, 2013

    As someone who worked for a not-for-profit for 20 years, I’m all in favor of cause related marketing. I recommend anyone doing this contact the “cause” ahead of time and get an agreement set in place before using their name.

  8. Elaine MastersJuly 4, 2013

    Thanks, Kay, for bringing this to the front! Many authors hesitate to toot their own horn, but will happily talk about their cause. In my book, WHAT THE WITCH DOCTOR TAUGHT ME, I give a dollar for every sale, whether paper or digital, towards college expenses for a young woman in Chiang Mai, Thailand. She’s mentioned toward the end of the book, and I know her personally. Empowerment of women has been close to my heart ever since I was told I couldn’t go to seminary because I was a woman. It was devastating. Then when I started visiting the tribes in Thailand, I saw how oppressed women really can be! Esther Sudaporn Meseree, the college student being helped by my book sales, is a delightful, humble, helpful woman who is majoring in English, has already won awards in English, and will stay to teach high school in her home city, a cause worthy of support!
    Thanks, Kay, for posting your experience.

  9. Carolyn J. RoseJuly 4, 2013

    A visit to the Wildlife Center of the North Coast provided the seed for An Uncertain Refuge and the sequel, Sea of Regret. I give a portion of the profits from those books to help center director Sharnelle Fee and volunteers continue their work with seabirds and other creatures.

  10. Hi Kay and Elizabeth—Interesting post–thanks! I’ll have to think about this. As you said, the promotion thing is getting out of hand and it’s hard to find time in the day to do all that’s “required” and write. I’m sure we all have causes that we believe in, that we’d support anyway. I have to think that by using these causes as a “hook” for promotion, we might also attract readers that would have never heard about us.

  11. Sofia SanaSeptember 27, 2013

    Yeah I agree with you…
    It isn’t something you
    will have to do daily.
    The concept is no longer
    brand new in the world of
    marketing, but it is not
    yet old hat in the book world.
    Very remarkable topic to talk about
    Very remarkable point

    b2b marketing

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