Fitting in a New Project

Colleagues working on a project in an office with notepads and laptops.

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

I usually just jump right into new projects without thinking a lot about it.  I follow my outlines and I write what I’ve told myself to write each day. The big advantage is that these are long-running series and I’m writing another installment.  I know the characters better than I know some family members. I would recognize my settings if I happened to drive through them on a road trip.

But starting a completely new and different project is different.  For one, it’s not guaranteed to be a success, which makes it risky.  I know if I write another Southern Quilting mystery or another Myrtle Clover mystery that I will receive X amount of income from it.  With a new project, it could completely bomb.

Starting a new project is also different because it’s so time consuming.  When you write series, you already have developed characters and a well-established story world.  It takes half the time to write.  When you’re writing something new, everything is new.

To lessen the risk of the new project, I write one revenue-generating project in the morning and work on the new project in the afternoon.  It works out really well, unless the series are similar… in which case, there’s sometimes accidental cross-pollination that has to be edited out later.

In some ways, it’s almost fun writing two things at once.  You never get bored, that’s for sure.  Get stuck in one section? You have another story that needs you to work on it.  Not in the mood to write humor? Maybe your other book needs a dramatic scene written. And you’re much less likely to want to write a Shiny New Thing instead of sticking with your current books.

The hardest part, for me, of writing two projects at once is just getting started with project two.  That’s mostly for the two reasons above: the risk and the time suck.  There are ways to help get past that mental block, though.

First, break down the second project into manageable bits. Your time in setup counts as much as your time writing the story. It usually takes me about a week to outline a book, but it takes longer for a different genre or for a new series.  So create an editorial calendar where you plan to work on the outline for 10 days and research for 3 days, etc.

Then, set the bar pretty low in terms of goals.  That might sound counterintuitive, but when you’re trying to keep a project from getting overwhelming, racking up a string of smaller successes can really help with motivation.

For further reading on working on multiple projects, see:

Matt Bird’s post, “How to Write Every Day: Work on Multiple Projects

Kelsie Engen’s post, “Multitasking Required.”

Jodi Meadows’ post, “Working on Multiple Projects

Joanna Maciejewska’s post, “Writing Multiple Projects, Pros and Cons

Have you worked on multiple projects at once?  How did that work?

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Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Alex J. CavanaughNovember 5, 2018

    My brain can only focus on one writing project at a time. I do know what you mean about the new project in terms of extra work and uncertainty.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 5, 2018

      I think there are many writers like that. And *I’m* actually like that when it comes to projects that are too similar (Memphis BBQ and Southern Quilting were hard to write simultaneously).

  2. Margot KinbergNovember 5, 2018

    I’m going through the exact same thing, Elizabeth! I’ve got my Joel Williams novels, but I’m also working on a new project. Just as you say, it’s going slower and it’s a little harder. I’m trying to go easy on myself and not expect too much, too fast. To me, if I try to rush through it, that’ll be a big mistake. Thanks for these tips.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 5, 2018

      Oh, cool! Looking forward to hearing more about your new project. You’re smart not to rush things. I’d forgotten exactly how time-consuming a brand-new series can be.

  3. L. Diane WolfeNovember 5, 2018

    That’s probably why I’m working on a book that is four separate stories. I get stuck or bored, I switch to another one.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 5, 2018

      Makes a lot of sense!

  4. jwellingNovember 5, 2018


    That bit about “going slow” from you and Margot both are the keys for me right now. I’m “fixing” through a full re-write a novel that never quite worked — because of the way I managed the narrative — and in crafting it in a totally new approach I too find the “go slow, manage down” bit to helps. I just guessed at this as a method, though. Pretty much like all my approach to fiction: a guess.

    Hearing from you two gives me a lot more confidence as I start the “end of the beginning” transition.

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 5, 2018

      I think that’s what we’re all doing…figuring it out as we go along!

      I’m averaging about 1/2 the words on the extra project as I do on the main one each day. But that’s progress each day, doesn’t drive me nuts, and makes me feel good about following through every day. Good luck with your re-write! Slow and steady wins the race. :)

  5. HilaryNovember 5, 2018

    Hi Elizabeth – it makes so much sense to broaden your scope of readers, so there’s another source of income be created in the background ready to go – I guess from this project it’ll be then easier to add another one when the time is right to start up another series – adding another raise to your income building approach … as time goes on. Cheers Hilary

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 5, 2018

      That’s a big part of my thinking…I have two series that are relatively long in the tooth. Good to have a new one that will be youthful for a while. :) Hoping it works!

      1. HilaryNovember 6, 2018

        I’m sure it will and I expect another will follow on … good luck – H

  6. Teresa C.November 6, 2018

    But a entirely new project is sooo exciting. If anyone can write on two separate projects and keep it all straight, it’s you!

    I will be looking over the links.


    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 7, 2018

      Thanks, Teresa! Fingers crossed I can keep them straight!

  7. Roland YeomansNovember 7, 2018

    When Mark Twain got stuck on one book, he would switch to writing another. I do the same. Like Diane, with my two Halloween books, I would go from one story to another to revive my muse. I envy you: I have no assured income with any of my books, but that frees me up to do things like my Christmas Ghost story: I know one person who will like it: me! :-)

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 7, 2018

      That sounds like a great way to fuel creativity and maintain productivity at the same time!

      I think it would be nice to write whatever you feel like. I could do that, but it would need to be under different names (and I don’t have the time!)

  8. Jemi FraserNovember 7, 2018

    I like have multiple projects on the go – but I need to get better at buckling down to finish them up!

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 7, 2018

      Good luck! I know some writers are using NaNo to finish up some unfinished work!

  9. ChemistKenNovember 8, 2018

    It’s hard enough to start a new story in an already established series. Starting a new series sound downright daunting. Of course, I’ll admit that when I’m stuck in the middle of the story I’m currently writing, it’s not unusual for me to start daydreaming about how much more fun it would be to start working on a new series I’ve been thinking about lately. Unfortunately, it’s a lot more fun to think about starting a new series than actually writing it.

    Good luck with the new series!

    1. Elizabeth Spann CraigNovember 8, 2018

      Thanks, Ken! And you’re right about the ‘thinking about a new series being more fun than the writing!’

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