Keeping Busy While You Wait

Astronomical Clock detailPatience is the trait that I admire most.

Unfortunately, it’s one of the traits I’m lacking. :)

Actually, I think if I had to name my biggest fault, it would be my lack of patience. I’m always moving, restless. I have trouble sitting still…even when I write. I’ll frequently “write” in my head while I’m doing housework or errands.

And publishing? It moves veryyyyy slowwwwly.

There’s actually not a single area of the publishing industry that I can think of that moves quickly. Querying? Very, very slow. Contract agreements? Slow. (Usually back and forth between agent to editor a couple of times before getting to us to sign.) Edits? Pretty slow, again mostly due to the back-and-forth nature of it and the need for thought in regards to changes. Book production…oh Lord. That’s the slowest of all.

Of course, it takes time to write a book, too. :) Some of the time, they’re all waiting on me.

Actually, for most published authors that I know, the process is wait, wait some more, waaaait, then…hurry! Hurry! Make the deadline! Then waaaait. Then there’s an insane rush around release time that lingers.

But I never think about the waiting. I’m never anxiously wondering what stage of production my book is in.

I’d ordinarily be the worst person in the world with all the waiting…except that I’m so very busy writing books and working on promoting them.

My mother sometimes will ask me, “Now when is your book coming out? Everyone is asking me!” I’ll tell her it’s June and she’ll exclaim over the wait. And…each time I’m surprised by her reaction. It hasn’t felt that long on my end. For one, I think I’m just getting used to it.

But really, it’s just my busyness. Who has time to think?

Unfortunately, publishing wasn’t designed with impatient types in mind.

I think, if we spend too much time thinking about the wait—particularly if we’re waiting to hear back from queries—then it just makes things worse. I can’t think of a single productive internal monologue that I’ve had when I’ve felt impatient and anxious. They always end up making me feel worse.

If you’re waiting on something to do with publishing …have you tried writing another book? What else do you do to keep yourself busy while you wait? And, since I’m curious today, what part of the writing/publishing loop are you currently focusing on–writing, querying, releasing, promo, or all of them?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Stephen TrempJanuary 19, 2011

    I’m kinda into numbers (but not too much) and when I’m the first commenter I feel this is something of significance. Same as being the 100th follower of a blog, or the 50th commenter for a particular post.

    Okay, back to your question. Yes, I’m actually writing two books while waiting for a positive response from querying. Having a lot of fun doing it too. Well, back to filling out my MSs. Need to get them off to my trusty editor soon.

  2. Margot KinbergJanuary 19, 2011

    Elizabeth – I’m not much good at patiently waiting, either. I wish I were…. Fortunately (or unfortunately?), I have a “day job,” so on a day-to-day basis, I keep awfully busy, and that helps me get through the wait.

  3. Alan OrloffJanuary 19, 2011

    Oh Elizabeth, the GREATEST thing about the book biz is that there’s always something else (promotion) that you (promotion) can be (promotion) doing to (promotion) further (promotion) your (promotion) (promotion) (promotion) career.

  4. Terry OdellJanuary 19, 2011

    I’m waiting to hear from my agent, who’s waiting to hear from the editors. I’m waiting to hear from a publisher who promised edits would appear “around the first of the year.” I’m waiting for ARCs for my May release.

    I’m writing. I have no clue whether the WIP will see light of day, but I have to write something.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  5. Elspeth AntonelliJanuary 19, 2011

    I have no patience at all; none. I try to use the waiting time to accomplish non-writing tasks or to catch up on my reading; usually something completely different from what I write.

  6. Janice HardyJanuary 19, 2011

    It’s so true, yet lately I keep finding myself wishing I had MORE time to get all the ideas in my head on paper. It’s moving so fast! I know it’s not, but I know my schedule and when tings need to be in and done so it feels like my time is already used up. A strange state.

  7. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2011

    Stephen–Good luck with the new books! That’s sure to keep you busy while you query. :)

    Margot–The day job keeps you busier than you’d probably like!

    Janice–Ha! I do have that feeling sometimes, too…especially during deadlines. Sometimes I’ll get edit requests in for books I’ve already turned in when I’m under deadline for the new book. Then I *do* want more time!

  8. Dorte HJanuary 19, 2011

    Writing and querying. Well, querying at least, because can I really call my 500 words this week writing? I don´t know how much it annoys me that I am waiting for response (or not) from an agent, but I would lie if I said I didn´t think about it.

  9. Tamika:January 19, 2011

    I’m sure I’ll be focused on the writing/editing side for quite a while. The over zealous side would love to plunge into the agent hunting waters, but I know it’s too soon:)

  10. Jane Kennedy SuttonJanuary 19, 2011

    Patience is definitely demanded of authors. I’m in the process of waiting and waiting and waiting for the release of my second book while trying to concentrate on writing the third.

  11. Hart JohnsonJanuary 19, 2011

    I’m generally okay with waiting (unless there is somebody being rude, stupid or annoying, which I think CAN come into any wait there is) but I like anticipation a lot, and waiting can be framed that way (except in traffic, but I sort of just breathe… not a darned thing that can be DONE there, unless someone is being rude, stupid or annoying… then I yell rude things back)

    I am currently waiting to hear if my editor liked my Cozy… I got word she GOT IT, but I haven’t heard anything else…. will there be rewrites? Will they be extensive? But I’ve been having my marathon editing month(s) and have barely thought about it because I have ABNA on the brain… And I just got feedback on another I was editing that I want to query… to busy to worry just yet…

  12. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2011

    Jane–Sounds like a great plan to me! I’m looking forward to your next…I enjoyed your first. :)

    Hart–Oh, gosh…drivers. Yes, traffic makes me impatient here. It’s a good thing you’re so busy and don’t have to worry about the waiting!

    Alan–Ha! It *never* stops, does it. Particularly the subtle stuff…subtle promo takes five times as long, I think.

    Terry–I’m glad you’re writing through it! It’s a great distraction, isn’t it?

  13. NezzyJanuary 19, 2011

    I’m soooo not a patient person, I want everything…yesterday!!! Now I’ve done gone and told all my secrets!!! Heeehehehe!

    Great advice hon!

    Have a beautifully blessed day :o)

  14. Plamena SchmidtJanuary 19, 2011

    I just finished my first WiP and while I was waiting to “distance” myself from it, I wrote the query for it.

  15. The Old SillyJanuary 19, 2011

    Hard to do, to focus, but yeah – I keep writing while waiting. This post reminds me of the saying/prayer … “Lord, please give me patience – and GIVE IT TO ME NOW!!” lol

  16. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 19, 2011

    Nezzy–We’re in the same boat! Ha!

    Elspeth–Glad there’s another poor, impatient soul like me out there. :) Reading would make a great way to pass the time (and also grow through observation, which is what I feel like I do every time I read a book.

    Dorte–Oh I think 500 words means you’ve progressed your story! And I sent off every query with a lot of hope and I remember how horrid the waiting was. And I wasn’t nearly as busy at the time…

    Tamika–I waited until I was happy with my book until I started submitting it, too.

    Plamena–Great way to think about the ‘big picture’ of your story while giving yourself some time before editing!

    The Old Silly–That sounds like my kind of prayer! :)

  17. Helen GingerJanuary 19, 2011

    You do just have to move onto something else and not fret about how much time it’s taking. Everyone has heard it takes about 2 years, yet we always think it will be sooner, surely.

  18. Ariel SwanJanuary 20, 2011

    I am in the waiting for Full ms requests to come back – some are out so long I figure it can’t be good.

    To pass time I am writing – but it is a major effort. I have a sequel to the book out to agents that I really want to write and I am ready to write – but I feel too uncertain to write because why write the second when the first may go nowhere?

    So I am writing other stuff – nothing great though – but some fun stuff just to see where it will go and…

    I obsessively check twitter, blogs, facebook, and my email – even when I know it is pointless. That’s a bad part.

  19. Alex J. CavanaughJanuary 20, 2011

    Your mother stresses over a few months wait for your book? She doesn’t understand how fast that time flies. It seems like a long wait until that date springs on you!

  20. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 20, 2011

    Alex–You’re right! Maybe I should put Mama to work helping me promote and the time will go faster…. :)

  21. walk2writeJanuary 20, 2011

    If there’s anything I’ve learned over the years it’s not to pray for patience. That’s when the real test comes along.

    You have an amazingly helpful site here. Those Twitter links alone will keep me occupied for a while. Thank you!

  22. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsJanuary 22, 2011

    Walk2Write–Thanks so much for coming by! Hope the links, etc, will be helpful for you. :)

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