Rejection is Murder—by Douglas Corleone

Night on FireMy path to publication was fairly typical, which is to say that it was littered with near-misses and heart-wrenching rejections. So how does a writer fight through it all? Unfortunately, there is no easy answer. But I can tell you what’s worked for me.

One. Toss the rejections the moment you receive them. Note them in your submissions log, then rip them to shreds. They serve no useful purpose.

Two. Each time you receive a rejection, make another submission. Tweak your query letter, revise your manuscript, whatever you think it takes. But get your story out there again.

Three. Keep writing. Never sit around, waiting for a “yes.” Always be working on your next project. Because chances are, your next project is going to be better than your last.

Four. Treat writing as a business. The simple fact of the matter is that you have a product to sell. Whether it was made in Taiwan or created with your own blood, sweat, and tears, it’s still simply a product. If your product’s not selling, improve it or manufacture another product.

Five. Never take rejections personally. They’re going to feel personal, at least initially. But you need to develop a thick skin, especially if you do plan on being published. Because that’s when the reviews start trickling in.

Six. Never set time limits. It’s fine to have goals, but you cannot control the speed of the publishing industry, and the fact is, the publishing industry moves at glacial speed. By giving yourself two or three years to get published, you’ll be doing yourself a disservice.

Seven. Be career-oriented. Always see the big picture. Your goal shouldn’t be to publish one book but to build a career. After all, that’s what agents and publishers are looking for. With this in mind, rejection becomes somewhat useful. You don’t want to debut with anything but your best work, because bad reviews and low sales figures can kill an author’s career. And you don’t want to have to start the entire process all over again, under a different name.

Eight. Never take yourself too seriously. This advice goes for both aspiring writers as well as established writers.

Nine. Patience, persistence, resilience. These may sound trite, but they really are the keys to getting published.

Ten. Improve your writing. You should never stop learning, never quit honing your craft, whether you’re a debut novelist published by a small, independent press, or a New York Times Bestseller. Don’t be embarrassed to pick up books on writing – none of us know everything. And as for what we do know, we can always use a refresher.

If none of the above work, grab a drink and kick back with a good mystery. Might I recommend my debut novel ONE MAN’S PARADISE, or my latest release NIGHT ON FIRE. Until next time, happy writing.


Thanks so much for posting today, Douglas! Douglas writes the Kevin Corvelli mysteries for St. Martin’s Minotaur. His 2nd novel in the series, Night on Fire, released April 26. He’s on Twitter: @douglascorleone.

A trailer for NIGHT ON FIRE can be found on YouTube at

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergMay 3, 2011

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Douglas.

    Douglas – Thanks for these really good pieces of advice. I think the most important themes I see in them are to see writing as a process – an ongoing thing – and that rejections, and negative reviews, too, are not a reflection on the writer’s self, although they feel that way. Both of those themes are really helpful to keep in mind in the big, bad world of getting published.

  2. Teresa aka JWMay 3, 2011

    GREAT advice, Douglas. What pops out at me is to never give up.

    Thanks, Elizabeth.

  3. dscorleoneMay 3, 2011

    Thanks so much for hosting me, Elizabeth! Reading my post — I should heed some of my own advice.

  4. Nice Doug – advice to certainly live by in the harsh world of publication attempts.

  5. sewa mobilMay 3, 2011

    Nice article, thanks for the information.

  6. Clarissa DraperMay 3, 2011

    Exactly. What I liked best was #10. Even though you get a publishing contract, you shouldn’t give up your craft. Always strive to be a better writer.

  7. Cozy in TexasMay 3, 2011

    Great tips but I think No. 3 should be moved to No. 1. Regardless of the rejections, if you love writing, keep writing.

  8. L. Diane WolfeMay 3, 2011

    “Never take rejections personally.” That is so true with anything in life!

  9. The Old SillyMay 3, 2011

    10 very good admonitions! For #1, thought, while I did throw a lot of them away, I kept a few select rejection notes and used them for motivation. I would show them what a foolish mistake they had made!

  10. Marilynn ByerlyMay 3, 2011

    Good advice, but I suggest you tuck those rejection letters into a file instead of ripping them up.

    A rejection letter is proof you are working toward publication, and if you are working toward publication, you can write off your writing expenses on your taxes.

    If the letter is more than a form letter and has a favorable comment, you can use that comment as an opening when you start sending out that next book so it’s handy to have the letter on file.

  11. Helen GingerMay 3, 2011

    Thanks Douglas for the great advice. Writers need to look at themselves as professionals who don’t quit when things get tough. That’s not easy, by any means, but it can be done.

  12. Dorte HMay 3, 2011

    Great advice!

    But I have kept some of my rejections. My favourite editor among all-those-who-don´t-want-me has given me very useful critique along with his two rejections and assured me I have potential. These words are part of the reason I have never surrendered.

  13. Alex J. CavanaughMay 3, 2011

    I definitely don’t want to start over again!

  14. Melissa RoskeMay 3, 2011

    This is wonderful advice. Helpful, practical – and, above all, kind. Thank you for sharing it!

  15. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 3, 2011

    Thanks so much again for coming by, Doug! Rejection is indeed murder! Glad you didn’t let it stop you from writing…and making a successful writing career. Congratulations on your new release!

  16. dscorleoneMay 4, 2011

    Thanks for all the wonderful comments! Best of luck to you all.


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