You Are Already a Writer. Now Write, Dammit. by Harrison Bradlow

If It Still Has A Head...Being a writer is not about how many people have read your work. It is not about getting an agent who will take you on as a client (or, for that matter, who will respond to your repeated contacts). It is not even about being published. If you have passion for writing and you’ve ever put a pen to paper, then you’re already a writer.

All those other things are nice, of course. There could be writers out there who don’t dream about being on the New York Times bestsellers list, but I haven’t met them yet. Being published in twenty-seven different languages, selling tens of millions of copies, and seeing your work transformed into movies starring Hollywood’s A-list celebrities would all be really cool. But nobody expects that of you right out of the gate, and you shouldn’t either.

I have been a voracious reader all my life, and I’ve always dreamed of being a published writer. Note the word “published” in there. That’s where the glamour comes from, isn’t it? Holding a book in your hand with your name on the front and your head shot on the back? That’s what I dreamed of. I didn’t stay up at night thinking about the actual writing process, which is weird, because that’s really where my passion was.

And looking back, I realize that in my own way I’ve been a writer most of my life. Even as a kid I wrote stories, mostly just for fun. Whenever a writing assignment came up in class I’d jump on it.

I remember in fifth grade we were directed to read a book and write a story about ourselves set inside the book’s world. It was a very creative assignment, actually. I chose “The Indian in the Cupboard.” The story, if memory serves, was supposed to be a minimum of five pages, typed and double-spaced. Mine was thirty-something. I’ve searched and unfortunately cannot find a copy of it anywhere.

I’ve always been a writer, but I wasn’t confident enough to call myself one, which is sad. I was shy about it. I didn’t dare share that passion with friends or family. I didn’t attend writing seminars. I didn’t take writing courses in college.

I thought I had to have an agent, or be published, before I could call myself a writer. I expected way too much out of myself, much as I imagine so many others out there do too. I thought that because I didn’t have my name on a cover, I wasn’t really a writer.

It took actually getting my name on a cover to realize how superficial that was. I recently published my first book, a work of poetry titled If It Still Has a Head, It Isn’t Quite Dead. I’ll probably never forget the moment when I first held a copy of that book in my hands. Wow. It was overwhelming. But after that moment passed, I realized something I should have known all along.

Books don’t make writers. Writers make books. Not having a book yet does not mean you’re not a writer. It just means you’re a writer who hasn’t made a book yet. I didn’t pick up that book and become a writer. I just picked up a book.

I’ve wanted to write all my life, but I didn’t pursue it until very recently, thanks in large part to encouragement from my wife. I should add, I didn’t even open up to her about my desire to write until long after I should have.

Why was I so afraid?

I don’t know. I suppose I was afraid of being judged, afraid of failure, afraid of all the things anybody might be afraid of before doing something new. That was probably natural for me. It was also really stupid! I put off doing something I loved, and for what? Fear?

I didn’t have the courage to share with my friends and family what I wanted to be until after I had that book in my hands. Can you believe that? I was publishing a book, and I didn’t tell anyone. It was among the most exciting things I have done in my entire life, and I didn’t tell anyone. It shouldn’t have taken me so long, and if you are in a similar place to where I was a year ago, don’t let it take you that long either.

Write, dammit. Set up a blog. Write poetry (it worked for me, which believe me, still boggles my mind). Write short stories. Post them online for all to see. Email them to anyone you think might read them. Solicit everyone and their mom for feedback. Grow.

In the process you’ll build a fan base as well, so that once you finally do have that book in your hands, you won’t be starting from scratch.

I was afraid. I can’t go back and change that, but perhaps I can help some readers out there who have similar fears overcome theirs faster than it took me to overcome mine.


Harrison is a very proud first time author. He invites readers to follow him on Twitter @Harrison314 and to visit his website: His book, If It Still Has a Head, It Isn’t Quite Dead: A book of poetry on zombies, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, ghouls, and other generally scary monster-type creatures, is available online from Barnes and Noble and, among other outlets. Poetry excerpts from the book are available at his website as well.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Harrison BradlowMay 16, 2011

    Betty and Heidi, you’re very welcome. Fear is a mindkiller. You face it, or it cripples you.

    If there’s anything I can do to help you on your journey, let me know. Even if it’s just reading some of your writing and giving you feedback.

  2. BettyZadeMay 16, 2011

    Thank you!!!!

  3. HeidiMay 16, 2011

    I’m one of the fearful ones. Thank you. So much.

  4. Teresa aka JWMay 16, 2011

    I’m sure that will be me, publishing a book and not telling. Why? 1) I wouldn’t believe it myself so why tell 2)Don’t count your chicks before they’re hatched. 1) I would think it was someone’s bad joke on me. :)

    I have little confidence. Love your post, Harrison!

    Thanks, Elizabeth.

  5. Margot KinbergMay 16, 2011

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Harrison.

    Harrison – How write ;-) you are! Sometimes you just have to put your fingers on the keyboard and just do it.

  6. Terry OdellMay 16, 2011

    If you tell people you’re a writer, then you’re going to have to back it up by writing. BICHOK.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  7. H. L. BanksMay 16, 2011

    Your words went to my heart. It’s not easy to overcome fear and I haven’t gotten there yet, but your post is a motivator. Thank you.

  8. HarrisonMay 16, 2011

    Reading all these comments, I’m getting inspired. I’m issuing a challenge to everyone who has commented here about their writing fears. I want you to take a step toward defeating them. I’ll participate too.

    Whether it’s setting up a blog or telling a friend you’ve been working on a book or asking for feedback on your work or whatever, it doesn’t matter. I can almost promise you’ll do it and realize it wasn’t so hard after all.

    Email me with the story of what you did:

  9. HarrisonMay 16, 2011

    Elizabeth, it was my pleasure. Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to your blog.

  10. Amanda HovingMay 16, 2011

    I think the title says it all. Well done!

  11. Jan MorrisonMay 16, 2011

    Yes, books don’t make writers, writers make books. Brilliant!

  12. Alex J. CavanaughMay 16, 2011

    Took a long time for me to figure out I was really a writer. I didn’t start telling the world until after I’d signed a contract, either.

  13. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 16, 2011

    Thanks so much for guest posting today, Harrison, and on such an important topic. Writers *write*…publication doesn’t figure into it. :)

  14. Dorte HMay 16, 2011

    Some days I still think I am wasting valuable writing time when I begin my long blog round. And perhaps I overdo it, but writers like you (and Elizabeth) have done so much for MY courage and determination. So thanks to all my brave blog friends, I have got used to telling people I meet that I write in my spare time – whenever it is natural to mention it. Most of them are curious and very encouraging.

  15. Carol KilgoreMay 16, 2011

    I taped a line on monitor that I found somewhere. It says:
    Just write the damn thing

  16. Jemi FraserMay 17, 2011

    That touched me – thank you! :)

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