Promotions on the Ground

by Danika Stone@Danika_StoneEdge of Wild by author Danika Stone


If you’re an author, you’ve no doubt heard the term “Street Team”. It’s one of those phrases that gains popularity in an instant and is thrown around with the wink-wink, nudge-nudge sense that you should know what it means.

But what if you don’t?

What if this is your first book launch, and you’ve never had to publicize a book before? What if you’re struggling to find your way through the first round of edits – never mind promotions! If that’s you, then here’s your answer: a five-point summary of street teams, and how having one can help YOU sell your book faster and more effectively than you ever thought you could.

  1. They are the author’s “feet on the street” – or in this case – the internet.

A street team is composed of online bloggers / reviewers / social media people who assist in the online launch of a book during the first crucial weeks. Every author needs a voice online if they want their books to be found and your street team creates it.

The usual expectation is that the relationship has benefits for everyone involved. Authors generally include swag, publicity, and connections to their street team members, and in return, these bloggers keep the author’s book in the public eye.

  1. Build your Network:

Having connections to bloggers and reviewers is key, but even if you have a relatively small number of online followers, you can still find a street team. You just need to ask. Find bloggers and ask them. Post to Goodreads and Facebook. Show what you’re offering. When I was creating the street team for Edge of Wild, I posted in all these places. I also listed what the street team members would get in return for their participation and within a few days I had an enthusiastic street team ready to spread the word!

  1. Giveaways give back.

Since my promotions budget was relatively small, I capped my street team at ten people. The costs are not just for the giveaways and your books. It’s also time. You will be writing plenty of posts, as well as organizing.

Some things you might include in your giveaway are…

  • A signed first edition copy of your book.
  • A digital ARC.
  • Bookmarks, postcards and stationary.
  • Bookbags, clothing items, other swag.
  • Pens, paperweights, keychains.

Basically whatever fit YOUR book..

All the Feels by Danika Stone

  1. Keep your costs reasonable.

If you’re self-publishing, your biggest asset is the book itself. Print a few galleys before the release! Beyond that, most of the items can be made or purchased.

Do not pay for a thousand pens with your book’s name on it. (You’ll regret it.) Go small and special.  In my case, I designed and produced my own bookbags and tee-shirts. I also bought a few items from Michael’s, laminated bookmarks at Staples and printed postcards from Moo.

  1. For the love of all that’s good, STAY ORGANIZED.

Nothing will destroy your street team faster than lack of planning. And since the author is in charge, you need to stay organized whether that’s your natural approach to writing or not.

When Edge of Wild’s street team had a full roster, I put together a Google folder to keep everyone’s tasks straight, and then mailed out a “Welcome to the Street Team” email. I encouraged the group to develop their own projects for their blogs. Some wanted guest posts, others reviews, and a few opted for other items. All of these were laid out in the google docs. Organized. Clear. They were all ready to go long before they were needed.

In the end, a street team’s effectiveness is as much about how you make the bloggers feel as much as what you do. A little bit of planning and patience goes a long way. Your street team is your voice, so make it strong.Portrait3

Danika Stone is an author, artist, and educator who discovered a passion for writing fiction while in the throes of her Masters thesis. A self-declared bibliophile, Danika now writes novels for both adults (Edge of Wild, The Intaglio Series and Ctrl Z) and teens (All the Feels). When not writing, Danika can be found hiking in the Rockies, planning grand adventures, and spending far too much time online. She lives with her husband, three sons, and a houseful of imaginary characters in a windy corner of Alberta, Canada.

Ms. Stone is represented by Morty Mint of Mint Literary Agency.

Websites: and
Book Release #1: Edge of Wild, Stonehouse, May 1, 2016:
Book Release #2: All the Feels, Macmillan, June 7, 2016

5 Tips for Street Teams by @Danika_Stone: Click To Tweet

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Alex J. CavanaughMay 12, 2016

    I always thought street team meant a physical one. Nice to know I have a really big one online after all!

  2. Mason CanyonMay 12, 2016

    A Street Team can definitely help spread the word. Your advice is great, especially viewed from someone having been a member of a Street Team. An author who is organized makes a huge difference. However if you don’t have the time to organize a Street Team, I’d suggest getting with a blogger friend and let them organize one. You would have all the input, but not be tied down to the daily task of keeping everything going.

  3. L. Diane WolfeMay 12, 2016

    It’s easier to spread the word where there are many people helping. And swag can be purchased for a small amount. Zazzle is a good place to get some really unique items.

  4. NicolaMay 13, 2016

    I love the term ‘Street Team’. It is so positive. Great advice. Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. Margot KinbergMay 13, 2016

    This is really good advice! Thanks very much, both. I think one of the most important lessons here is how important it is to get, and stay, focused. That’s critical.

  6. HilaryMay 14, 2016

    Hi Elizabeth – thanks for sharing Danika with us and her ideas. Sometimes I come across words or phrases and need to look them to understand … even at the beginning POV was a complete dead end – I think I know now!

    Being organised, efficient, aware, thanking where appropriate and being ready to stay on top of things ..

    Street teams – I shall look at the screen in future .. cheers Hilary

  7. […] Promotions on the Ground – Elizabeth Spann Craig […]

  8. Alyssa HollingsworthMay 19, 2016

    I volunteered on the street team for CRESS by Marissa Meyer and absolutely loved the experience! I was already a fan, but working on the “inside” to promote the book really sealed my loyalty to the franchise. Such a fun exercise!

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