Setting Goals

by Elizabeth S. Craig, @elizabethscraig

aafieldtrip 061aIt’s getting close to the end of the year again…and I really don’t know where the year went.

One thing that I’m usually good at is setting goals and deadlines for myself. It’s really how I stay on track with the different projects I’ve got going on.

My problem tends to be long-term planning. My agent usually will kick me in the rear a little, trying to see what big picture ideas I have. But I’ve found when I’m really busy, I’m just trying to keep afloat …not setting big goals.

The September issue of Writer’s Digest had an article by Elizabeth Sims entitled “10 Things for Every Writer’s Bucket List.” She included things like publishing a short story, taking a writing retreat, and freelancing.

I found the idea of a writing bucket list very appealing. It makes my head hurt to try to set definitive deadlines for specific long-term goals. But I sure as heck can make a list of things I’d like to do before I die.

I think the best way to make these kinds of goals is to not factor in any of the stuff we ordinarily would factor in. Don’t think about the logistics, the money, the time away from the kids. Just make a list.

What would be on my bucket list? Off the top of my head, I’m thinking that I’d like to try writing different genres and subgenres. I’d write a historical saga, a police procedural, and maybe dabble in lit fic. Oh, and maybe some noir.

I’d like to go on a literary-themed tour.

I’d like to try to narrate an audio book.

I’d like to go on a long writer’s retreat…the kind where I can be as antisocial as I need to be.

I’m going ahead and making my list. Because the way time is flying, I have a feeling the next ten years are going to pass by like a second.

What kinds of things would you like to do or try as a writer?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. sunflowerrisingDecember 5, 2011

    Travel a bit more and see more of the world. Go on an archaeological dig and learn about cartooning so I can do my own storyboards.

  2. Donna HoleDecember 5, 2011

    Those are some goals I can get into :)


  3. Margot KinbergDecember 5, 2011

    Elizabeth – Oh, I like this idea! Setting long-term goals is a good way to focus. As for me? I’d like to take six months off from everything and just…. write.

  4. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsDecember 5, 2011

    Sunflower rising: I like your ideas! Of course, I can’t draw so I’d be limited on the cartooning (I wish I could draw. I think I’d almost rather be able to draw than write.)

    Donna–Much better than those New Year resolutions, aren’t they?

  5. Terry OdellDecember 5, 2011

    Those long-term goals where you don’t worry about anything else are wonderful dreams. And they give the motivation to deal with the reality of breaking them down into things you can actually control and accomplish. You’re starting early! I normally don’t get moving until right before the new year.

    One of my longer term goals needs to be learning the ins and outs of marketing starting with being able to design a new website.

    Terry’s Place
    Romance with a Twist–of Mystery

  6. E Louise BatesDecember 5, 2011

    Ooh … let’s see. I want to try indie publishing and traditional publishing, just to be able to have done both. I’d like to learn to draw so I can write AND illustrate at least one book. Travel to Wales and Russia, two lands that have always inspired me, and to Greece, the home of the myths I have always loved so well.

    I’m sure there would be more if I thought about it, but those are the ones off the top of my head!

  7. Elspeth AntonelliDecember 5, 2011

    What a marvelous idea. Travel would be wonderful. I’d also like to try to write a romantic comedy. Maybe while I’m on the Orient Express! I think it’s best when you multi-task.

  8. Jan MorrisonDecember 5, 2011

    hmmm…I like writing retreats so that would be right up there. I’d like to go to a BIG writing conference. Might make plans to do that somehow. I’d like to be part of creating a graphic novel with a friend who is an illustrator. We’ve been kicking that around a bit.

  9. L. Diane WolfeDecember 5, 2011

    Actually, I’m starting to move towards more non-writing goals. I hope to make some big changes soon and adjust the path of my career.

  10. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsDecember 5, 2011

    E Louise Bates–Traveling would be amazing! And another writer who can draw? Sigh…wish I could!

    Margot–I hope you do!

    Jan–I would love to see a graphic novel from you!

    Terry–I think it helps just to identify what those goals/dreams are! Then maybe later I can gradually work toward them.

    Ugh. Website design. I always do my own website, but it’s definitely not my forte!

    Diane–I’ve heard you say something like that before…I’m curious! Looking forward to hearing what you’re up to.

  11. RudyDecember 5, 2011

    I want to write a story in every genre I can conceive, attend a writer’s conference, and a take a writing retreat on the Transsiberian Railroad.

  12. Alex J. CavanaughDecember 5, 2011

    As a writer…
    One more book.
    And continue here online supporting other writers.

  13. Carol KilgoreDecember 6, 2011

    I’ve been in the staying afloat mode since September. I can’t think about long-term goals just yet. But bucket list is different. Travel is way up there. As is a writing retreat. And not to forget the little things, just one day with no interruptions.

  14. C0December 5, 2011

    Even though I’m young, writing one is an intriguing idea for me.

    For example: Get one of my series adapted into an anime. :3

  15. Diane KellyDecember 6, 2011

    I love writing funny, light commercial fiction, but I sometimes think it might be interesting to attempt something dark and literary just to see if I could pull it off.

  16. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsDecember 6, 2011

    Rudy–Those are my kinds of goals!

    Elspeth–While eating bonbons and sipping a remarkable wine! And you’ll need a travel companion, so call me up. :)

    Alex–Hope you will, Alex! And thanks for all the support you’re giving writers!

    C0–What a cool idea! And you’re right–never too early to think of these big-picture goals.

    Carol–Is it possible? Not to have interruptions? Could I design my whole universe that way? :)

  17. Michael Di GesuDecember 6, 2011

    Hi, Elizabeth,

    I am so glad I dropped by your blog today. You visited me last week. So nice to meet you.

    I liked your post today. I have fallen SO far behind on my goals and a bucket list might be the kick in the butt that I need to get back on track again.

    I did start today. i am back on line visiting new blogger friends for words of inspiration. An here I have found some. Thank you.

    One thing I truly love about our community is the time all of us share with fellow writers.

    Have a great week and good luck with your goals. You will be seeing me again.

  18. Karen S. ElliottDecember 6, 2011

    How I would love to go on a retreat…where it’s warm, near the water (beach, not flood water). I’d also like to go to Wales, in the spring, for at least a month! A place where all I need…couple pencils and pens, a notebook, and to get to my laptop at the end of the day.

  19. Hart JohnsonDecember 6, 2011

    I think a literary tour would be GREAT! And I’d love a writing retreat that is a little smaller and more specifically handpicked–some of the writer friends I’ve made over the years, so the downtime could be really FUN social, but then we go off to our hidey holes. I have some ABNA friends who did that in Washington State last year and I was so jealous. They rented a house together and did it themselves… maybe 8 of them. I also want to write a book that requires me to go on a cool trip to research it somewhere out of my comfort zone… maybe South America.

  20. Jill KemererDecember 6, 2011

    I am stealing your long-term writer’s retreat where we can be as anti-social as we want. It’s as if you read my mind!

    I’ve been fantasizing about being completely alone and just reading book after book without interruption. I guess that would be a “reader’s retreat” though!

    Great post!

  21. SusanDecember 6, 2011

    Loved the post and am so excited that I can help you check one or two of those items off your list. Check out my literary themed company (events AND travels) at I can also custom create events and trips if you have a group.

  22. Enid WilsonDecember 6, 2011

    You want to narrate an audio book? I thought you said you hated reading during book signing. Good on you to face your fear. Hmm, I think for me is to write a novel length book without any steamy scenes. That will be a challenge.

    My Darcy Vibrates…

  23. H. L. BanksDecember 6, 2011

    I’d love to go on a writing retreat, travel to France, and meet my favourite authors who have wowed me over the years.

  24. Jemi FraserDecember 7, 2011

    Love the idea! I’d love to meet other writers in person :)

  25. Cold As HeavenDecember 7, 2011

    I guess my goal as a writer is to get as far as to self-publish an e-book on Amazon (or something like that). I’ll probably give it away for free. It’s just my hobby >:)

    Cold As Heaven

  26. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsDecember 7, 2011

    Karen–A month in Wales sounds terrific!

    Hart–Oh, that sounds like fun. I wouldn’t be antisocial if it were writers that I actually *knew* or knew online.

    Diane–It sounds like you and I are in the same boat. :)

    Jill–That would be my kind of retreat! Just to write and not to have to visit. :) And have someone cook for me.

    Susan–Thanks for the link! This will all, sadly, be in the future since I’ve got kids I can’t leave right now. They’re growing up quickly, though!

    Enid–Isn’t that funny? I think it’s because the audio would be recorded and I could correct my goofs. When I do a reading in person, I’m looking at the people in the audience and they look sleepy. It’s just not a good thing! At least with audio, I wouldn’t be able to see my audience. :)

    Michael–Thanks so much for coming by! You know, we all miss our goals sometimes. I think the important thing is just to pick up wherever you left off. You’re not behind. Good luck with some new goals!

    H. L. Banks–Meeting favorite authors would be fun, too!

    Cold As Heaven–It makes a great hobby. :)

  27. Nancy CurtemanDecember 7, 2011

    The first thing on my bucket list would be: I’d like to write a time-travel mystery.

  28. Elizabeth SimsJanuary 4, 2012

    Elizabeth, I just saw this post. Glad my article sparked some cool ideas, and thanks for the mention. Re: your thought to take a literary-themed vacation, it makes me remember a trip I took years ago through England’s Lake District, following around Wordsworth’s ghost. I realized how a writer’s environment can shape his / her work.

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