How I Fell Into My Genre–Guest Post by Mike Martin

by Mike Martin

A funny thing happened to me on the way to becoming a
fiction writer. I ended up in mystery. I’m not really sure how I got here or
why. But, after being here for a little while I think I like it.

I have been a freelance writer, ghost writer, content
article churner, SEO and keyword specialist, editor, associate publisher,
social policy developer, and family Christmas chronicler since forever. But my
fiction works could fit into one school exercise book. And mystery was not one
of my major areas of interest.

Actually that is a bit of a lie because when I discovered
all of the various sub-genres of mystery and crime I found that I already liked
many of them. That includes some old-time stuff like Agatha Christie’s Miss
Marple and Poirot. And a ton of the British series like A Touch of Frost and
Midsomer Murders.

When I dug a little further I realized that I also liked
detectives, police procedurals, cozies, hard-boiled, locked-room, true crime,
amateur and professional sleuth, legal, medical, suspense, and historical mystery
series and books. There really wasn’t much mystery that I didn’t like.

What appealed to me about mystery was that with the
exception of true crime, and that might even be included if you think about the
ingenuity of the criminals, all of these genres and subdivisions relied on one
basic premise: telling a good story that was pure fiction and imagination. That
drew me in and kept me prisoner every time.

It was the love of a good story that brought me into mystery
writing. First, the reading and enjoying of it. And now the creation of my own.
But I actually think it is the people inside this genre who will keep me here.
That starts with my fellow writers, the famous and the soon to be, who have
almost to a person invited me into the fraternity/sorority of mystery writers
with helpful hints, advice, reviews and guidance along the way. They have
encouraged me to write well, write better, and write more.


And it is the mystery lovers who sustain me. Every single one
who stops by when I’m sitting alone, probably feeling sorry for myself, at a
book signing, and they say hello and ask about my book. They don’t have to buy
it, although that’s nice. They have already given me a gift by acknowledging
the fact that I am a mystery writer. I am one of them.

I have one book out and another in editing and the third
rolling around from back to forth in my head, sometimes waking me up in the
middle of the night to look for a pad and paper. I have never been happier in
my life. It may have taken me a long time to get here but I plan on staying.
That is if you kind folks will still allow me the privilege of hanging around
this genre.

Mike Martin is the author of The Walker on the Cape, the first in the Windflower mystery series. For more information visit

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergNovember 17, 2012

    Elizabeth – Thanks for hosting Mike.

    Mike – Thanks for sharing your story of how you became a crime fiction writer. I couldn’t agree more that the genre offers so many opportunities for telling a good story. And yes indeed, mystery readers are a terrific group of people. I’m glad you’ve found them to be supportive.

  2. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsNovember 17, 2012

    Thanks for guest posting today, Mike! And congratulations on your book. I love “Touch of Frost” and “Midsomer Murders,” too.

    I’ll also agree that mystery readers are a wonderful group of people–very supportive and encouraging.

  3. mike martinNovember 17, 2012

    Thank you to Elizabeth for hosting me and for all of you who browsed by. Looking forward to meeting more of you along the great Mystery Highway!!

    Mike Martin
    Author of The Walker on the Cape, A Sgt. Windflower mystery

  4. Julie MusilNovember 18, 2012

    Mike, congratulations on your book! It’s true that writers are amazingly kind and supportive people.

  5. Dina SantorelliNovember 18, 2012

    I love hearing how writers came to write what they write. Thanks for sharing your story, Mike!

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