Awards Day

Blogging Writer Award Every day the online community of writers amazes me. I get so much encouragement and inspiration from the blogs that I read and from the wonderful commenters on Mystery Writing is Murder.

Among the encouragement I get are awards for my blog. To me, they represent a “Good job!”—which I really appreciate.

I decided it was time for me to throw another Awards Day since the last one I did was…oh…August or something.

And then I thought, “I don’t know who has gotten what award.” I nosed around a few blogs and thought about making a spreadsheet with who has what…

But then I decided to make my own award! Because I don’t see any awards that mention “writing” or “writers” on them. And I know that none of you has this award.

Now I know I will never be a graphic artist when I grow up. I will not share how long it took me to create this very basic award. But it was a loooonnnnng time.

Blogging Writer Award

Since I made up the award, I get to make the rules. The only problem is that I’m really bad at both making and following rules.

So here we are.

My rules:

You can post this image to your blog…or not.
You may share this award with others…if you like.
You may adapt or alter this image in any way.

I want you all to know that I appreciate you. If you know that I’m hanging out at your blog all the time and I have inadvertently forgotten you (and y’all, it’s past my bedtime as I’m writing this) then please let me know so I can amend my post! And if I messed up your name or link, please do let me know so I can fix it.

Sometimes I lurk. But I’m visiting your blogs (usually I do try to comment.)

Blogs I read regularly (My blogging friends. Some are new and some are old.):

Confessions of a Mystery Novelist –Margot Kinberg
Imagineering Fiction—Galen Kindley
Patricia Stoltey –Patricia Stoltey
A Million Blogging Monkeys –Alan Orloff
Jane’s Ride – Jane Sutton
Janel’s Jumble—Janel
I’m Blogging Drowning Here!—Lorel
Crystal Clear Proofing—Crystal *
Inkspot—Midnight Ink
Just Jemi –Jemi Fraser
Crazy Jane –Jan Morrison
Meanderings and Muses—Kaye Barley
Write on Target — Debra Schubert
Karen…following the whispers—Karen Walker
Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen –6 authors..incl. me, but…
Elizabeth Bradley—Bits and Bytes –Elizabeth Bradley
In Corra’s Words – Corra McFeydon
Confessions of a Watery Tart –Hart Johnson
It’s a Mystery –Elspeth Antonelli
Cassandra Jade in the Realm –Cassandra Jade
Thoughts in Progress –Mason Canyon
The Writers Porch—Carol Murdock
Journaling Woman—Teresa
Carol’s Prints – Carolina Valdez Miller
A Writer’s Point of View—Stacy Post
The Conscious Cat – Ingrid King
Spunk on a Stick – L. Diane Wolfe
Cozy Murder Mysteries –Donna Lea Simpson
Terry’s Place –Terry Odell
Write in the Way—Kristen Torres-Toro
The Write Worship—Tamika
Sixty is Just the Beginning –Judy Harper
Author, Jody Hedlund –-Jody Hedlund
Eye Feathers—Tara McClendon
Southern City Mysteries—Michele Emrath
Coffee Rings Everywhere –Rayna Iyer
The Old Silly’s Free Spirit Blog—Marvin Wilson
DJs Krimiblog—Dorte Jakobsen
Straight from Hel—Helen Ginger
Lesa’s Book Reviews –Lesa Holstine **
Do You Write Under Your Own Name? –Martin Edwards
The Giraffability of Digressions –Cruella Collett
Breakthrough Blogs – Stephen Tremp
Under the Tiki Hut – Carol Kilgore
Silver Lining – Julie Dao
Coffeehouse Mysteries –Cleo Coyle ***
Poe’s Deadly Daughters—6 Authors
Desperately Searching for my Inner Mary Poppins—Marybeth
Constant Revisions—Simon Larter
Woolgathering—Jen Chandler

* Crystal isn’t a writer. But she’ll help you be a better one.

**Lesa Holstein isn’t a writer. But she’s one of us.

***Cleo’s website is updated so frequently that it acts as a blog.

I read a lot of blogs. I have many favorites. Today I’m recognizing some of my favorite places to hang out online, and some of the friends, new and old, I’ve made in my browsing trek.

I also want to thank everyone who takes the time to comment on Mystery Writing is Murder. I appreciate your thoughts and insights so much and only wish I could list everyone here who regularly visits me.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Margot KinbergDecember 13, 2009

    Elizabeth – Thank you so much for the award : ). How kind of you to remember those of us in the writing blogosphere. I am honored at the award, and even more honored to be a part of your writing community. I’m better because you are in it.

  2. Ingrid KingDecember 13, 2009

    Oh my goodness, what an honor! Thank you so much for the award, Elizabeth!

  3. Mason CanyonDecember 13, 2009

    Elizabeth, thank you for the award. I’m honored that you include me in the blogs you visit each day. Having only had my blog for a few weeks, being included with this list of interesting, entertaining and inspiring blogs is a privilege.

    Thank you for your inspiration and advice. Also thanks for a list of new and exciting blogs to visit.

    Thanks again for the award. By the way, you did a good job on the design even if you don’t grow up to a graphic design artist. :)

  4. Michele EmrathDecember 13, 2009

    Thank you, Elizabeth! This is so kind of you! Especially since I have been so lax about commenting on other people’s blogs this week.
    As Margot said, it is an honor to be a member of your community, and an honor to be mentioned among such blogs as “It’s A Mystery” and “Imagineering Fiction,” which I hold in high regard.

    I will definitely put this on my blog – with pride! But I think I will wait to give it out…Think on it a bit – maybe a long time!

    Thank you,

  5. Karen WalkerDecember 13, 2009

    Thank you so much for including me in this wonderful writing award you’ve created. I am so honored (and a bit humbled). Let me just say you are one of the best things to come out of taking the book blog tour class and learning about blogging. I love feeling connected to you in this way.

  6. Alan OrloffDecember 13, 2009

    Thanks, Elizabeth! It’s an honor to be mentioned along with so many other great blogs.

  7. Journaling WomanDecember 13, 2009

    Elizabeth, You’re the greatest! I have always appreciated your blog and that you visit me and comment and NOW I appreciate you for including me with this award.


    YOU were the first writer blog I stumbled onto and you have a special place in my heart and mind.


  8. Stacy PostDecember 13, 2009

    What a nice surprise, Elizabeth! I enjoy reading your blog too. Very much! I’m honored to be mentioned. This is my first blog award. YAY! As for the other blogs you mentioned, I’ll be sure to check them out too! Thank you!Writing is solitary work and I’m thrilled to find a supportive community to share the journey.

  9. LesaDecember 13, 2009

    Oh, Elizabeth, what a nice award! And, the comment that I’m not a writer, but one of you – that’s so kind. Thank you! And, thank you for stopping by my blog daily. I appreciate all of your thoughtful comments.

    Lesa –

  10. Kaye BarleyDecember 13, 2009

    oh wow.

    Elizabeth, this is lovely and VERY much appreciated.

    I love being a part of the blogging community, and the mystery community, and well – life’s just good.

    thank you.

    And I am super impressed with your button making!!

  11. Carol @ TheWritersPorchDecember 13, 2009

    Elizabeth….great Award! I’m hicking this one since I’m not required to pass it on( unless I want too)! Thanks!

  12. Patricia StolteyDecember 13, 2009

    Oh, cool! What a most excellent surprise, Elizabeth. Thank you. I think your award logo looks classy, and I really like your rules.

  13. Jan MorrisonDecember 13, 2009

    Thank you dear Elizabeth! I will honour my honour and pass it on – though I think you got everyone I’ve got! And it is so pretty! This writing community means a lot to me. It is definitely the beam of sunshine on some cloudy days.
    Your posts on writing are ALWAYS helpful.

  14. L. Diane WolfeDecember 13, 2009

    Thank you Elizabeth – I like that award, as it’s specifically to us writers!!!

    My posts are scheduled for the week, but I will include this and my recipients this Friday!

  15. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 13, 2009

    Margot–And I’m better because YOU are. You’re so very welcome.

    Carol–Only if you want to. No rules!

    Ingrid–You are so welcome! :)

    Jan–That will be the challenge for this group, since we visit each other’s pages! That’s why I thought I was so clever to invent my own award since we all have the same ones…

    Mason–Oh Mason…I know you say you’re not a writer, but I’m not so sure. So I didn’t make a disclaimer for you. You’re a journalist…that’s a writer, too.

    Diane–We needed an award that mentions writing, didn’t we?

    Michele–I haven’t noticed any laxness at all!

    You can just horde your award and *not* share it, if you like! It’s the no-rules award. :)

  16. Helen GingerDecember 13, 2009

    Thank you Elizabeth! You are such a sweetheart. And amazing, too. You are a terrific writer, a dedicated mom, a great Internet friend…and you know how to create award buttons! Jimminee.

    Thank you so much.

    Straight From Hel

  17. Marvin D WilsonDecember 13, 2009

    What sweet and thoughtful kindness, Elizabeth! You are such a butterfly all over Bloggydom, I appreciate your steady visits to and comments on my blog and always find something great to read and/or learn daily on yours. Thanks for the award and friendship.

    The Old Silly

  18. CynDecember 13, 2009

    Elizabeth–This is a great idea! Thank you for honoring so many great writers and sharing this with the rest of the blogging world.

  19. Jill EdmondsonDecember 13, 2009

    Wow! You’re clearly a committed blogger and you’re obviously comfortable navigating the blog-o-sphere! Good for you!

    I’ve only been at this a few months. I’m still trying to find more interesting and relevant blogs to follow – anything about writing, mysteries, book promotion.

    I’m still trying to figure out how to make my blog page look cooler.

    I will soon get wise to how to add links to blogs I recommend and follow.

    I have no idea about blog awards…

    I think your blog is a smash and you have obviously worked had at it! Way to go!

    Cheers, Jill

  20. Corra McFeydonDecember 13, 2009

    Wow! Thank you so much. I’ll certainly post this in my sidebar (with a link back to your blog.)

    I want you to know I’m honored to have met you, Elizabeth. I had no idea this blogging world would prove so rewarding when I started. Reading your posts is a real pleasure. I’ve been buried in exams all week or I’d have been back sooner.

    I’ll be checking out these other blogs. What a great community.

    All the very best to you,
    Corra ;)

  21. cassandrajadeDecember 13, 2009

    Thanks so much for the award – and thanks also for the list of great blogs out there to visit.

  22. Galen Kindley--AuthorDecember 13, 2009

    Sometimes I lurk too. Why, just today I was going to “lurk by” Mystery Writing is Murder and catch one of my favorite bloggers in action. When lo and behold, there I am listed in some pretty select company. I’m honored. Thank you. Your visits to my blog give it legitimacy.

    Best, Galen.
    Imagineering Fiction Blog

  23. Marybeth PoppinsDecember 13, 2009

    Thank you so much Elizabeth :) I love your blog too!

  24. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 13, 2009

    Helen–Well, I sort of figured out the buttons in a haphazard way. :) Thanks so much for your kind words. I always learn so much from you on your blog.

    Karen–You and your blog are some of my favorite discoveries from our class. Thanks so much for continuing to visit my blog and for your thoughtfulness on yours.

    Alan–You are so welcome.

    Marvin–Same to you! You’re a blogging butterfly, too…I’m glad you include my blog on your visits.

    Teresa–I didn’t know I was the first writing blog you visited! What an honor. Thanks. :)

    Stacy–It really is solitary, but the online community helps so much.

    Jill–JIll!! I love your blog, too. I was updating my page too late last night–you definitely deserve the award, too. My newest friend Blogging Writer award. Please feel free to take it to spruce up your sidebar…with my appreciation for your comments on my blog. It takes a while to get into the swing of things with blog decoration…I’m not there yet, actually. :)

    Corra–I’m just impressed by your dedication. I remember when I was working through exams, etc. (English major), I was *writing*, but I didn’t really have any direction with it. Think that’s how I ended up in journalism.

    Lesa–You are so welcome. I love your blog. And I have dubbed you an honorary mystery writer!

    Kaye–I appreciate you, fellow corgi owner! And love your blog.

    If you only *knew* how long it took me to make a button! And I don’t even know if it will reproduce well. Let’s hope!

    Galen–So you weren’t dressed appropriately for an awards day? Good thing it’s not a dressy event. :) Thanks for your kind words.

    Marybeth–You are so welcome. :)

  25. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 13, 2009

    Patricia–You’re welcome! The rules make it easy… :)

  26. Lorel ClaytonDecember 13, 2009

    Thank you Elizabeth! That’s a great list of blogs and I’m honored to be on it. Can I call you a superwoman again for keeping up with all those sites on top of everything else you do? Now you’re a graphic artist too :) [it really is a good image]

  27. JanelDecember 13, 2009

    Thank you, Elizabeth! I am thrilled that you stop by my blog, especially since you write in my favorite genre. Even if I don’t comment, I read your posts every day.

  28. Kristen Torres-ToroDecember 13, 2009

    Thank you so much, Elizabeth! I accept this award with honor–and I can’t wait to check out that list! You made my day! Thank you!

    Btw–you’re awesome to do so many links in one entry. That would have taken me FOREVER!

  29. Tamika:December 14, 2009

    Thanks so much Elizabeth! I enjoy hanging around your place as well. Your award looks great- all the hard work paid off.

    God bless!

  30. Susan WhitfieldDecember 13, 2009

    Elizabeth, this is a great idea! I’d been thinking about some sort of award for folks who contribute or guest interview on my blog as well.
    We all appreciate your efforts to promote all of us. Have a wonderful Christmas, everyone!

  31. Simon C. LarterDecember 13, 2009

    Why, thank you, good lady! I appreciate the mention, and your presence–commenting or otherwise–on my blog. I shall strive to be worthy of the award!

    I think I’ll follow your lead and list the writers’ blogs I read, making the award reception/passing on optional. That way I won’t leave anyone out, and can still comply with the award stipulations. :)

  32. Judy HarperDecember 14, 2009

    I think you did a good job at making an award! Thanks for giving me this award. I’ve learned so much from your posts! I like coming by. Again, thanks!

  33. Jane Kennedy SuttonDecember 13, 2009

    Normally I don’t go ‘blog hopping’ on the weekends, but I am so glad I dropped by today. It’s a beautiful award and I am honored to be included. Thank you so much. Your blog is always one of my favorite stops.

  34. Terry OdellDecember 14, 2009

    Thanks so much, Elizabeth. I’ve been absent from the blog rounds for a while, as I’m out of town, visiting with family, looking for potential places to live, and with little time for Internet. I’ll be back at the end of the week and hope to get back into the swing of things. But I have scheduled blog posts, so I hope you and your followers will pop by.

  35. Sara TribbleDecember 13, 2009

    Oh how wonderful! And what a list–I need to check them all out when I find more time! =D

  36. fionaskyeDecember 14, 2009

    Aww. In the words of Squirt, from Finding Nemo – “You so totally rock!” Thank you for this very lovely, and obviously lovingly made, award!

  37. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 14, 2009

    Cyn–Hope you enjoy checking out the list! Thanks so much for coming by.

    Susan–I think it’s a fun way to show appreciation. I’m looking forward to guesting on your blog next year.

    Cassandra–You’ve got some great blog haunts, too. I always enjoy finding new places to visit when you put links on your blog.

    Simon–You are so welcome. I’m enjoying your blog and am intrigued by your flash fiction. :)

    Jane–I’m glad you dropped by, too!

    Lorel–Reading blogs is one of my favorite things to do. Wish I were Superwoman. :) I could think of some things I could do a better job on, for sure.

    Janel–You’re so welcome. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I’m a lurker sometimes, too. :)

    Kristen–Thanks so much for saying so! They’re great blogs and yours is excellent.

    So far so good on the links! Apparently I haven’t messed them up too badly…

    Sara–There’s a lot of good stuff there!

    Tamika–You’re so welcome. And thanks! :)

  38. Cruella CollettDecember 14, 2009

    Thank you so much, Elizabeth! I feel so priveleged to be included in this wonderful community of brilliant people, especially considering that the honour comes from you (I personally consider your blog the most professional one on the block). I will proudly post the badge on my blog!

  39. Jemi FraserDecember 14, 2009

    Thanks Elizabeth :)

    I look forward to checking out those other blogs you’ve mentioned. I visit a few, but there are many new ones for me.

  40. Michele EmrathDecember 14, 2009

    “No rules” rocks!


  41. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 14, 2009

    Judy–Thanks! And you’re welcome.

    Terry–I’ll be doing some of that soon, too. Hope you have a fun and productive time.

    Fiona–You are so totally welcome! :)

  42. Daniela CarideDecember 14, 2009

    Hi, Elizabeth.

    What a wonderful initiative! I hope one day you become a regular reader of as well. Here are some pieces that you might enjoy:

  43. Dorte HDecember 14, 2009

    Thank you so much for awarding me, and thank you for all your visits and the wonderful comments you leave on both my blogs!

  44. Elspeth AntonelliDecember 14, 2009

    Thanks for the award, Elizabeth. I’m absolutely awful at passing these things on, but I really appreciate the sentiment. I so enjoy reading your blog and I’m thankful you include mine on your daily surf around the internet!


  45. Tara McClendonDecember 14, 2009

    Wow! Thanks for including me in this amazing list of blogs. I love the photo. :]

  46. carolynyalinDecember 14, 2009

    Great idea and congrats to the winners!

  47. Carol KilgoreDecember 15, 2009

    Thanks, Elizabeth! And the design is awesome.

  48. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 14, 2009

    Cruella–Thanks so much! I always love visiting yours and appreciate your different insights on life and writing.

    Jemi–There are some wonderful blogs, like yours, on the list.

    Michele–Makes it nice and easy!

    Daniela–Thanks so much for stopping by. I’ll definitely check out your links..thanks!

    Dorte–Thanks so much for your comments on mine!

    Elspeth–I am too! That’s why the no-rules part works well for me. :)

    Tara–Thanks. I didn’t know what I was doing, so I’m glad it turned out as well as it did!


  49. Maryann MillerDecember 15, 2009

    A beautiful award and what a wonderful list of blogs. Some of them I already read regularly, and I have found some new ones to try out. Thanks for making such a comprehensive list. And you are so right about how much we need each others support. My writing friends and mentors have helped me more than words can express.

  50. LindaDecember 15, 2009

    What a great way of pointing us in the direction of some new blogs – thank you!

  51. Elizabeth Spann CraigDecember 16, 2009

    Carol–Thanks so much!

    Linda–These are such great blogs. Enjoy!

    Maryann–It’s a wonderful community, isn’t it?

  52. Sheila DeethDecember 16, 2009

    Love the award. Love the list. I plan to come back later and catch up.

  53. Rayna M. IyerDecember 16, 2009

    Thank you so much, Elizabeth. You don’t know much must the award means to me, coming as it does from the blogger I admire the most.

    And I will try to pass it along.

  54. Carolina Valdez MillerDecember 18, 2009

    Oh my word–I’m just–wow…thank you. I’m so flattered!! And I must say, the award is absolutely beautiful, I will be honored to post it. I can’t believe you put me up there with such fabulous blogs!! Many thanks, my dear. I’ve enjoyed your posts so much–and have learned much.

  55. Tom VancelFebruary 6, 2010

    Thanks for the award! You have an awesome blog. You’re an inspiration to us all in the writing and blogging community.

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