
Rembrandt van Rijn-- Rembrandt’s Mother Reading-- 1629 As I mentioned on Thursday, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to become a better writer. You can use your library card and get more information than you can ever find time to absorb.

Sometimes, though, we need a little extra help. When I was writing my first book, I was definitely aware of areas where I had shortcomings. I wanted more information on “show, don’t tell.” I wanted to know how to write a well-crafted synopsis. I wanted to learn more about creating well-rounded characters.

So, I took online classes. And they worked out really well.

Like anything, it depends on the instructor. But the classes I took were taught by working writers. And I only sought out classes that were in the $20-$50 range. Some of them, like the Blog Book Tour class, were free.

In my experience with online classes, they work like this:

*You go to the website find the class you’re interested in. Usually you pay via PayPal or credit card.

*You then will be joined to a Yahoo group, which goes active on the first day of the class.

*The classes that I took usually lasted four weeks, with two lessons posted each week.

*Everyone in the class introduces themselves on the email loop. The instructor introduces himself/herself, gives his/her qualifications, and then provides the syllabus.

*The instructor gives a first lesson, usually in some detail, and with examples of vivid characterization, or plotting, or whatever the class is covering.

*The lesson ends with an exercise for the class members to do individually, then post back to the email loop. The instructor gives feedback on each individual person’s assignment and answers any questions. Usually you have a certain number of days to post on an assignment before you’re expected to move to the next posted lesson and assignment.

There are classes online that run into the hundreds of dollars. I really just can’t recommend those. I think you can get much the same experience, on a wide variety of topics, at a much lower rate.

Here are some links to online organizations and sites that sponsor online classes and their calendar of upcoming workshops. The classes range from $15 to $50.

Have you taken any online classes? What did you like or dislike about them?

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Patricia StolteyJanuary 3, 2010

    I took an online class before I set up my website because I wanted to do my own. I also took the blogbooktour class as I was creating my blog. Both classes were excellent and provided tons of helpful information. The first was inexpensive and the second free.

    Dani Greer just completed an online class with a PI firm near Denver that has classes for mystery authors and gave that one a thumbs up as well.

  2. Kristi FaithJanuary 3, 2010

    I’ve never taken an online course, as I hadn’t found the inexpensive ones. Thanks for the links, that may be something I can more easily budget. :0)

  3. Margot KinbergJanuary 3, 2010

    Elizabeth – I’m glad you mentioned online classes. Most of the university classes that I teach are online classes, and I’ve found it to be a terrific way to work with students. They’re flexible, and I’ve been privileged to work with students from all over the world. One thing I’ve found through my years of teaching online is that it allows both students and instructor the opportunity to interact in ways that are harder face-to-face. You wouldn’t think so, since instructor and students never meet. But many people feel more comfortable expressing themselves in writing online than face-to-face. So for writing classes, this really allows instructor and students to “talk” about writing in ways that are harder onground.

  4. Jemi FraserJanuary 3, 2010

    I didn’t even know these online classes existed until a few weeks ago. They sound wonderful! I’ll have to check them out – maybe in the summer.

  5. Corra McFeydonJanuary 3, 2010

    I’ve never taken an online course, but I’m sure I will with college.

    Some of my classes in the last few quarters did a great deal of the work online (though we still met live weekly.) It’s the same as a classroom setting as far as I can see, though less driving time and distractions.

    (These classes were French and Biology so bear little on this conversation, I imagine.)

    Thanks for the links! I’ll check them out. :)

  6. Terry OdellJanuary 3, 2010

    I’ve taken some classes through the RWA’s Kiss of Death chapter. They offer two every month: 1 craft and 1 information. (Hint – if you volunteer to moderate, you get the class for free, although the cost is relatively low to begin with.)

    One of the best bang for my bucks class was tax tips for writers. I need to get out my notes again; it’s time to set up record keeping for 2010!

  7. Mason CanyonJanuary 3, 2010

    There was a piece on the news just this past week about some high school offering students online classes. How interesting. I haven’t taken any online courses, but I think I’ll check these out. Thanks for the links.

  8. Journaling WomanJanuary 3, 2010

    As I have revealed many times before I am an education nut when it comes to taking classes. I just can’t stop. I have taken many online classes, but the only writing classes have been technical writing. So I will check your links out.

    Keep the information coming. I am drinking it in…or gulping it down…or whatever. I just hope I am gaining weight as a writer. :)


  9. Deb SalisburyJanuary 3, 2010

    Another resource is Forward Motion, an online writers forum, at
    . They hold free classes frequently, and it’s free to sign up.

  10. L. Diane WolfeJanuary 3, 2010

    I’ve never taken an online class. I guess BBT was the closest to that! Right now, my days are so full, and my projects running so behind, I’m not sure where I’d have time for one…

  11. Elizabeth Spann CraigJanuary 3, 2010

    Patricia–The class Dani took sounds really interesting…I’ll have to check it out.

    Kristi–Hope they help! The ones through the RWA seem to be really good and least expensive.

    Corra–I think it’s a great idea–then colleges could share resources or instructors by providing the classes online. More course offerings, too. I can’t imagine doing Biology online, though! I seem to remember dissecting a fetal pig for that college course…

    Margot–That’s really interesting! I didn’t realize you taught online courses, too. I’ve been approached (by one of the groups I’ve linked to here) about doing a character workshop–it’s just the time element that worries me, particularly if the class has a high enrollment. I love the idea of meeting people from all over the world…and I can totally see how some people are less-inhibited online than in person.

    Diane–They have some interesting ones out there. Once I ended up lurking through most of a class–not ideal, though–you should participate and do the assignments, etc, to get the most bang for your buck. But at the time, it was all I had time to do and I still got a lot out of it.

  12. AnonymousJanuary 3, 2010

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

  13. Mary AalgaardJanuary 3, 2010

    I have not taken any online classes. However, I have learned much from reading blogs from intriguing writers. Glad to have found yours from the Journaling Woman.

  14. Dorte HJanuary 3, 2010

    Yes, I have taken two online classes (free & Danish). They were really useful and stimulating; not because the teachers did much, really, but because several hundreds of classmates gave me encouragement and advice.

    I didn´t know beforehand, but I certainly also needed to learn about showing, not telling. And though I know I still have much to learn about long texts, I feel much more confident when writing my flash fiction pieces, thanks to all my ´classmates´ and my blog friends.

  15. Helen GingerJanuary 3, 2010

    I’ve not taken an online class, but have, as the Executive Director of the Writers’ League of Texas (back in the day), arranged instructors for such classes. And I agree with you – a working writer seems to always be the best teacher.

    Straight From Hel

  16. SallyJanuary 3, 2010

    I had no idea! Thank you! I just signed up for one

  17. Jan MorrisonJanuary 3, 2010

    These sound great. I’ve never taken an online class but think I would like it for the same reason that I like blogging – it would provide me with a structure to write and if I pay for it I’m likely to do it!
    Thanks Elizabeth – you are such a tremendous source of info!

  18. Elizabeth Spann CraigJanuary 3, 2010

    Jemi–Good luck with it. I think summer is the perfect time to take a class.

    Terry–Oh, that’s a class I’d like to take. Sounds really, really useful. I may have to look for one of those.

    Mary –Thanks so much for coming by!

    Mason–Hope it helps!

    Helen–They’re just perfect. I mean, they may not be as perfect in a *classroom* setting, because they wouldn’t have the experience, but they certainly know how to write, how to organize their thoughts, etc. And they have hands-on experience with the different topics.

    Teresa–I’ve really had fun with the classes. I’m like you–I’d take a class in anything if I only had the time! I try to absorb it all, too.

    Sally–Hope it works out well for you! I’ve enjoyed them. And met some great people that way, too.

    Jan–It does give you a feeling of accountability. I *hate* writing synopses, so the class really forced me to write it along with the other classmates. I ended up with great synopsis at the end of the class. I wouldn’t have had that otherwise.

    Deb –Thanks for the resource! I’m not familiar with this site…I’m looking forward to poking around.

  19. Elizabeth Spann CraigJanuary 3, 2010

    Anonymous–Thanks. :) Well, we’ll see if I can keep it up or not. My schedule is looking jam-packed until April…but I appreciate the encouragement!

    Dorte–That’s a really good point. We can feed off of our classmates and get information from them, too.
    Sometimes they’re even better than the instructors!

  20. Elizabeth BradleyJanuary 3, 2010

    Nope, never took an online class, but sounds like a great way to learn.

  21. Alex J. CavanaughJanuary 3, 2010

    I’ve been thinking of taking an online class…

  22. Elizabeth Spann CraigJanuary 4, 2010

    Elizabeth–And it’s nice to take a class from home…and read the class lectures at your leisure.

    Alex–I got a lot out of the ones I took. And then they give you an emailed attachment of the lessons to look at later…it’s nice.

  23. Ann Elle AltmanJanuary 4, 2010

    I’ve never taken an online course but I have read many books on writing and am part of a writer’s editing website. I find that so helpful. I constantly wish to improve my writing though.


  24. GlenJanuary 4, 2010

    Have never taken an online course. I’ll have to check out one. Thanks, Elizabeth.

    I’m wondering if there’s still a place for face-to-face workshops. I’m doing one in the mid-South area soon and I want to give people something worth leaving their warm houses!

  25. Elizabeth Spann CraigJanuary 4, 2010

    Ann–The online critique groups can be really useful if you find a good one.

    Glen–I think there is a place for in-person workshops, but you’re right, it’s so much easier to do it all online! You should consider teaching an online class instead–you’d know your enrollment going in and don’t have to worry about fueling up the car to get there!

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