Writing to the Rule of Three

by Linda S. Clare, @Lindasclare
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Writing isn’t an exact science. Maybe
that’s what Somerset Maugham meant when he said, “There are three rules for
writing a novel. Unfortunately nobody knows what they are.” Make that steep
learning curve a bit more manageable by using the Rule of Three.
The Rule of Three in Fiction. Since
nobody knows what the rules are, the “rule” is really a guideline. Don’t be a
slave! Use the Rule of Three as a guideline—to help you write better back story
(flashbacks) clauses and dialogue. Here’s how:
Limit (especially in opening chapters)
back story/flashbacks to the Rule of Three. Use three or fewer sentences of
back story before at least touching back on the real time scene. If you allow
your reader to become immersed in the back story without revisiting the real
time scene, that reader is likely to forget about the real time scene. 
Use the Rule of Three in description. A
list of three (this, this and that) feels satisfying to the reader. Pay special
attention to threes when you want to establish a pattern for the reader to
remember. If you tend to draft exhaustive lists of description in setting or
character, edit out all but the best three to give your reader a quick and
complete picture of that person, place or thing.
Write no more than three sentences spoken continuously by the same
speaker. After three, the dialogue becomes a speech. Break up with action,
narration or counter dialogue. Write no more than three exchanges between two
characters. Add a “beat” of action or narration to break up and keep reader
engaged.Try introducing a third character into a two-person scene to shift the
focus (camera) and make the dialogue/tension more complex.
Linda S. Clare is the author of women’s
fiction, including The Fence My Father Built
(Abingdon 2009) and upcoming A Sky without
(Abingdon 2014). She teaches writing at a community college and
for George Fox University and lives in the Northwest with her family and three
wayward cats. Visit her at www.Lindasclare.com
or connect at www.facebook.com/Lindaclarebooks
or @Lindasclare on Twitter.

Elizabeth Spann Craig

View posts by Elizabeth Spann Craig
Elizabeth writes the Memphis Barbeque series (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting mysteries for Penguin and writes the Myrtle Clover series for Midnight Ink and independently. She also has a blog, which was named by Writer’s Digest as one of the 101 Best Websites for Writers. There she posts on the writing craft, finding inspiration in everyday life, and fitting writing into a busy schedule.


  1. Teresa ColtrinMay 30, 2013

    Rules of three sounds so simple. Love it.

    I guess in this case threes a crowd is good.:)

  2. Paul Anthony ShorttMay 30, 2013

    This is excellent advice. Great rule of thumb!

  3. Hilary Melton-ButcherMay 30, 2013

    Hi Elizabeth – what great simple advice from your guest, Linda … everything should be pared down … let our imagination enjoy the reading process too ..

    Cheers Hilary

  4. Elizabeth Spann Craig/Riley AdamsMay 30, 2013

    Linda–Thanks so much for posting today…and I love your topic. It’s an easy way to impose some limits to certain story elements and provide a feeling of completeness (perhaps even subconsciously) for the reader, too.

  5. Linda ClareMay 30, 2013

    Elizabeth and all your readers,
    I’m so honored to guest on your blog! And glad the Rule of 3 is helpful. I should’ve mentioned that my upcoming release, A Sky without Stars, is about QUILTS! A Lakota Star quilt in particular. Happy reading and writing everyone!
    All the Best, Linda Clare

  6. Laura MarcellaMay 30, 2013

    Three is a good number for most things. Not too much, not too little. Thanks for the tips!

    Happy reading and writing! from Laura Marcella @ Wavy Lines

  7. Linda AdamsJune 2, 2013

    I heard something similar at a con for description. A little too mechanical for me. Sometimes you just have to listen to what the story wants.

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